Hey guys, for those of you who were there, we used to get issued a little plastic covered spiral bound reference book with formulas and a set of tables. The book was water proof, About 4" X 6". Black and white cover cant remember who printed it.

Think the title was something like Navy Divers Guide book or Reference Book (Cant remember exact title). Im trying to find a copy. If anyone has one, Id like to buy it. Call me or send me a message here.


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Jerry they have been out of print scence the early 90'S You every once in a while will find one on E-Bay or Amizon. If Icome across on I'll give you a shout
Thanks Chuck, Ive been loking for months, no luck yet.
Good news boys. US NAVY DIVERS HANDBOOK - NOW IN PRINT. $71.00
Aqua Press Publishers
25 Farriers Way
Temple Farm Industrial Estate
Southend on Sea
Essex SS2 5 Ry
United Kingdom
Tel: 01702 462466
Fax: 01702 462469
Thanks Fred where the hell did you find that at?? Ive been looking all over!! myself
Got that one Fred, Looking for the older copy mine went missing, Pocket version...
This is a pocket version - older copies and this new one is same format.
have new one and older one all same.
Dont Know what you rely on in BC Mike, but I've dove these tables for over 20 years and trained s*** loaads of tenders with it. So it's quite a big deal to me...
You're age is showing again Mike. The grey area at 110-120 ft what were you using for pumps Rotary or Lever? Or were you still using bellows :)

JK chere
Jerry Have you checked with Best books to see if they have copys ? or rare books ?
Believe I found it on the UK out of Print book site. waiting for reply
Have you contacted the US Govt Printing Office?
Book was printd by Best and Aquapress, seems the new one in pritn, is being argued over by NOAA, and Navy is holding up Best Pub sprint Scheduele


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