What it looked like on May 7, 2010!

Now even worse!

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Excellent coverage every American needs to see this horrific damage that is now taking place and going on. Having first hand experienced on the Exxon Valdez oil spill it really hits home the Eco damage that is occurring and will be lasting for many years to come. May God bless and help us protect our beaches and our beautiful bayous. This video is a really a good eye opener and exposes and shows how terrible the topside pollution we are facing is today really is.
Out of sight and just below the surface of the water the oil pollution is mixing with the sea water that fish and marine creatures swim thru ruining seafood and all forms of marine life. As working divers sometime in our careers we will be working in the residual of this stuff and exposed to the hazards of its toxic effects. Looking forward and knowing it will destroy most of rubber dive suits and the rubber parts in our dive hats. New considerations for our diving community to consider how we going to be compensated for our gear that is already costly to acquire.
Looks like a "Dirty Harry" type diving system will become the NEW standard in the GOM!

You would have to be a FOOL to used anything less!
So what are the chances of divers being needed to help clean up the spill?


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