Diving Supervisors. Need some assistance- Thanks for the Help Gentlemen.

To those who have been going nuts last since last night trying to help, Thank You I think the VA is starting to understand, my hat at least has been ordered. Still got to wait, but the info you sent in the formats it was sent really helped. 

Thanks Grey Wolf

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ummmmm, not sure how to ask this, but cant "YOU" just give them a list?, the V.A that is...You are a diver, arent you??? Not trying to be a smart ass, just wondering.
Hey I am wondering why the VA is envolved here what kind of a program is this that requires you to list your gear. Most divers buy their own gear, can other divers apply for this program too whats up here ?
I went thru a VA voc rehab program when the construction industry hit the bottom of the well, as a veteran (USMC), I qualified to finally get an education package. THey assured me I would recieve all new gear for school and after Graduation. One catch, I have to get a promise of employment, and the list needs to be signed by a supervisor or owner. I was advised by the school to sell all my old gear, asit would be replaced new, and it was for the most part...Should have held on to the 17 until the hat promise was kept.
Ok Jerry fair enough a suggestion try rewording your post to "I need a diving supervisors help here" something like that it may recruit what your looking for. Good luck. Hooha!
That was the thought I was conveying, thanks as I am looking for the help of any willing supervisor...
hey jerry,

ummmm, not sure how to ask this, but cant "You" just give them a list? the v.a that is. not trying to be a smart ass, just wondering?

Tried that Frank, aparently, the program requires a list from active company supervisors to prove that I'm not bs ing the system. nearly 20 years, inland and offshore. Broke out in 89 under Butch Mabes ( now deceased) off shell Island, started with Prof DIvers of New Orleans as tender when I got out of the Corps.
Like I said Dale, VA politicians tryin to prevent VA Educator counselors from keepin their promise. Hell it only took 20 years to get the back pay I was entitled to started...
Ive been askin for 2 months, and now that offers are comin in, the BS starts. as usual, a dollar waiting on a dime...
jerry check your inbox.

Sold it to pay for fuel food and travel to school. What they want is a head to toe list of every piece of gear that a prospective diver (not specialty stuff) should show up with for an interview.
I have already explained to them that they replaced all my old gear with new, except a few things that got screwed up in comm between the school and the VA (Ill get over it) what they have'nt replaced is my hat. They believe that a diving company will wait 2 weeks to send out a diver or call back until a hat arrives. The politicians in Montgomery don't understand that it does'nt work that way. SO my counselor asked me to ask supervisors from any company for a head to to list (especially the hat) that a diver should show up to an interview the first day with.
if id known this was going to happen, i would not have sold my 17. Any help you guys would offer is appreciated... Thanks for the humor though, I needed it after today...
C'mon boys whats the hold-up, I'm retired Canadian -so not a viable source, but I'll kick my 2 bits in if it will help Jerry. . Quit dancing & Do this thing whats the big deal?


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