
I have been reading alot on this forum and was wondering why so many people have a negative attitude concerning commercial diving.  I mean so many posts that discourage others into becoming a diver.  I think if you really want something and its a passion that comes from your heart, you can make it happen like you want

I'm 33 and in the best shape of my life.  I love the water but for some reason I need more than scuba diving and working underwater just seems awesome!  I make good money with my office job but I dont like it.  I would love working as and inland diver even If I only make half the salary im making now.  I think diving is a lifestyle and my addiction to water, tools, gear, boats, science... have given me an urge to just do it! 

I have been accepted into a school in Canada to go under 3 days of physical exams.  We are 28 that applied and the school will take 12 of us for the 12 months commercial diving program. 

What do you guys think?  Am I living in wonderland?



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Alex, you have made a mistake. You let your thin skin push you to an interpretation of someone. Don't let that happen again-it can cost you dearly or let you put your life in risky situations. You have responded with a knee jerk response-based on flawed supposition. That "LOOSER" IS a tough guy, X-Navy Seal, tons of offshore experience, that could be your sup/supt. if you make the cut. He likes to stir things up to see what kind of thoughtful response he can ellicit. You aren't making yourself a strong case. When we are on the job-if your feelings get hurt-be somebody else. He is my friend and you know what? I'm from Canada.
Oh wow. I responded to the initial thread before I read all of this. Yeah Alex, you're a guppy in a shark tank. Take what you can from advice but being rude and talking s*** to people who are either going through school or are experienced divers isn't going to get you anywhere. There will always be somebody ranked higher than you.
Tough guy my ass! I teach kickboxing now for 11 years, I have broken peoples noses, ribs etc...and the same has been done to me. Never did I have a tough guy attitude with my new students, I always showed them respect. I just dont take tough guy attitude regardless who it is.
Ok sorry for calling Flynntstone a Looser but the neandertaler has to stay...it fits him so well!
Yea but Flynn it was way up there you get alot of points for this one
Alex no your not living in wonderland but when you show up to your first job you might think you are its hard construction work not sitting in an office. Fred Johnson mentioned its also dangerous and you can lose your life doing this ,but I would bet you have just what it takes to make it. Even though you will be making less than half of what you now make , but man you will be living the dream. Come on take the chance see if you really have what it takes to make it give em a go. First give em the school all of your money, take a two, three or more year oat of poverty while your aquiring all kinds of spendy dive gear that you will need and a $6000 hat. . Contact me when you are ready go to work and I will hook you up. Good luck I hope you do well looking forward to seeing you on your first day some where offshore.
Flynn and Ace you guys rule! LOL LOL, guess alot of these guys think were jerking their chains and afraid of "them newbies" taking our jobs! i say lets stop wasting our time trying to tell the truth and save these guys some headaches and sit back and shake our heads at the 3000 newbies a year that go into debt for the next decade and end up saying, man i wish i would have listened to them guys. We have more important things to do like job networking and educating each other about industry happenings. These damn posts have been going on like this since the internet was invented, Id like to say, you can lead a horse to water but cant make em drink, and these guys arnt horses, their jack a****! so, in conclusion, when they get out and cant make it or go work for some lo ball out fit that pays them $12.00 an hr and no perdium, all i can say is I told ya sooooooo!
hahahahaha, holy moly!
Sooooo are we trying to compete with those boys over at offshorediver.com at who can rough up the new guy the best ? Cuase I mean that was really something! :D
I say go to school Alex but just a heads up man if your a few months into school and ever at one point you find yourself saying "Mannnnn I really dont feel like getting all that s*** on and going in today" then you might wanna reconsider a refund.
Becuase everyone says they just wanna be in the water, but once your in for 4 hours and everythig is cold and numb and its blacker than the inside of a cow and you think urine is gonna spew out of your nose and ears cause you gotta piss so bad and your thinking of just going cause at least it will warm your toes inside your suit. Then you get out have a break and get ready to do it all again in the nxt X number of hours and so on and so forth for the rest of your career. And then there are the times where you only wish you could be in that situation becuase rent is coming up and you have been eating noodles and tomato sauce for the last 4weeks waiting on hte phone to ring. All that mixed in with the occational moment of sheer terror :)
I think what the guys are saying is that you dont go down to look at the fish and you really gotta dig doing it. Good luck!
F*** that school, and all those rip off circuses. Take $6 k and buy a hat. Than take $10 k and buy a compressor. Or buy one used for $3k. Pretty f***ing simple. Compressor gives your hat air. Anybody can learn that by themselves without a school... oh, get a DMT cert and an ADC card, that's all you need. Or throw your money away... I'd try Young Memorial or the Minnesota school and buy the above listed items and save some $, at least you'll be able to return the hat and compressor when you decide you don't wanna be a tender anymore...
Go to school get the book work done and get your card. Then my young friend, get a job out there, with any company that will let you work, and let the Divers teach you. Earn your bones like the rest of us did, by doing the work. Cold, Hot, Dirty, unappreciated, work!! Welcome to wonderland Alice, bet your friends will enjoy the beer you buy when you get home! Alot of wannabes go to school and thats all they do. Follow thru and live your dream. Your kids will sit on the floor in awe as you tell your adventures to them...
Start your own hull cleaning service if you have to, but dive!!!! Just Dive....
I had an office job, husband, house, the "American Dream". I started scuba last year and fell in love. My dream wasn't in my husband's plan so he's gone, he kept the house, and I'm working now for barely minimum wage while I go to school because I couldn't imagine the rest of my life not diving, whether it's cleaning the tanks at sea world or offshore, I know that's where I need to be and what I need to be doing.
Other people in the industry have questioned me, asking well if you love it why didn't you become an instructor or (fill in the blank.)
All of the jobs I was remotely interested in you needed a Commercial card.
If you follow your dream and you're happy with the outcome, even if you make half the salary of your current job who gives a s*** what anybody else thinks or says.
If you're doing what you love, you'll never work another day in your life. Good luck.
That was just solid Jess.... So booted the husband to be a diver! Badass! And single eh!!!
Soooo ahhhh, do you wanna maybe grab a bucket of chicken and head out to the drive in or something ?? :p


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