Everyone in the Gulf Coast Chapter of the ADC had better do some serious soul searching if what I am hearing is true. Travis Detke of Cal Dive is running to replace Mike Brown as Gulf Coast Chapter Chairman. Well in my opinion the problem is that Bill Crowley of Cal Dive is President of the Board of Directors.

As people I happen to like both of these guys. Problem 1 being they are Cal Dive through and through and will happily cut your throat for Cal Dive.

With the New Standards coming to a vote I do not want Cal Dive having two votes on the Board of Directors. It is this simple: They care about Cal Dive and not the rest of us.

Neither Bill Crowley nor Travis Detke has much of a back ground in Surface Diving. Both Travis and Bill’s early years revolved around Saturation Diving. Bill has extensive equipment knowledge and Travis has project management experience and a degree in Business. I have worked with both and do not want either telling me how to run a Surface Dive.

As a side issue: Both of these gentlemen and Phil Newsume are well aware of all the work we miss due to MMS not enforcing the DOT Regulations on pipelines. Yah that is the same MMS that waved the standards for BP. How do I know they are aware, because I told them. Not what I would call promoting the Commercial Diving Industry.

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Thank you John Carl Roat for being a stand-up tell it like you see it man.
thanks for the stand up post john. it's all going to hell in a handbasket.

Never done well with unions it seem that I end up calling them on all the crap they let go as long as the Union gets it cut.

With divers it has always amazed me that a man with nuts enough to breath underwater were God didn't mean him to breath will not even speak up on a safety issue.

If unions get involved it will just be another group that the diver won't call on their b******* because “ I have to go along or I don’t work”


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