Does anybody have any info on whos hiring for the clean up proccess offshore. Im a diver but wouldnt mind throwin a few months work into this on a boat. Russ Smith

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Russell on line look up louisiana oil spill clean up also craigs list for Louisiana under generl labor Goodl luck. Oh ye after you get hired on post some photos for the rest of us.
euro news says BP are hiring everyone in the area whether this is true or not ???? if so a job should be there to be had good luck
You can also try MSRC ( ). They're the people who operate the "Mississippi Responder" and "Gulf Coast Responder", the blue oil recovery ships you see in the photos in the press. The normal crew needs mariner's doc**ents, HAZWOP, etc, but you might be able to get work on one of the support boats or elsewhere in a support role. When I worked for MSRC they were notorious for offering the lowest pay in the industry, but with overtime it might come out worthwhile.
anyluck finding clean up work ?
NOT YET,dont really want to clean up oil, just lookin for work until somthin kicks off in diving again.
send me an email i might have some work
Hello Larry, Just got in from a small dive job and am ready for another if you got somthin. Or if you got somthin else im game. You can e-mail me or give me a call 904-377-2531 or Thanx
OEC LLC seems to be incharge from the Coast Guard people I have spoken to.
A buddy of mine pilots an ROV out there and has been there on site since the explosion. No one who has not worked in this type of environment is being brought in. Especially newbies too dangerous, and prior experience mandatory. The government has its hands in this one, so job prospects are definately tight...


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