While alot of us are not fully employed it wont hurt to look into getting hired on the offshore oil clean up effort. Having worked on the Exxon Valdez oil spill inbetween diving and made come pretty good money for my time spent there.Yea its not top dive pay but in this economy it could be pretty good money. Things to consider. Does anyone know who could be hiring ?

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Fire May Be Set in Attempt to Burn Off Oil Spill Off Gulf Coast

Obama shelves new drilling as oil hits La.
BP CEO: 'We will honor' legitimate claims from oil rig leak

updated 10:32 a.m. CT, Fri., April 30, 2010
WASHINGTON - No new offshore drilling will be authorized until authorities learn what caused the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, an aide to President Barack Obama said Friday as oil oozed ashore in Louisiana.

Obama himself spoke briefly about the disaster on Friday, saying he supports offshore drilling but that it "must be done responsibly for the safety of our workers and our environment."

Senior adviser David Axelrod earlier announced the new policy, and also defended the administration's response to the April 20 accident in the Gulf of Mexico, saying "we had the Coast Guard in almost immediately."

He deflected comparisons with the government's slow response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, telling ABC's "Good Morning America" that such speculation "is always the case in Washington whenever something like this happens."

Obama recently lifted a drilling moratorium for many offshore areas, including the Atlantic and Gulf areas. But Axelrod said "no additional drilling has been authorized and none will until we find out what has happened here."

Coast Guard Rear Adm. Sally Brice-O'Hara also faced questions on all three network television morning shows Friday about whether the government has done enough to push oil company BP PLC to plug the underwater leak and protect the coast.

Brice-O'Hara said the federal response led by the Coast Guard has been rapid, sustained and has adapted as the threat grew since a drill rig exploded and sank last week, causing the spill.

She said crews would be unable to skim oil from the surface or burn it off for the next couple of days because of the weather.

Billions in damages possible
BP, for its part, said Friday it would compensate all those affected by the leak.

"We are taking full responsibility for the spill and we will clean it up and where people can present legitimate claims for damages we will honor them. We are going to be very, very aggressive in all of that," BP CEO Tony Hayward told Reuters.

The cost to the fishing industry in Louisiana could be $2.5 billion while the impact on tourism along Florida's Paradise coast could be $3 billion, Neil McMahon, analyst at investment firm Bernstein, said in a research note on Friday.

The spill could also hit President Barack Obama's plans to open some offshore areas of the U.S. where oil exploration is currently barred, to drilling, Hayward acknowledged.

"There may be an industry issue around what may or may not be opened," he said.

However the CEO hopes an effective response to the spill, including a flotilla of around 80 vessels and several aircraft, would reassure people about the risks from drilling.

"It would be bizarre to say it shouldn't influence the debate. How the debate will come out, I think ultimately will be judged by the success we have in dealing with this incident."

Regulations on drilling safety will also come under scrutiny, Hayward predicted.

"Rightly, there will be a reaction. Whenever you have something of this significance, it's right that regulators should look very hard at what they can do to further ensure that something like this never happens again," he said.

He said possible changes could relate to testing of equipment like the blow-out preventer on the ocean floor which failed to operate correctly and shut off the flow of oil, although he added it would be impossible to say how testing could be improved until the cause of the accident was known.

Failures of blow-out preventers are extremely rare and the equipment is regularly tested.

The scale of the disaster could also lead to changes in the rules on who is allowed to operate licenses in the deeper waters of the Gulf of Mexico, analysts said.

The government could limit operating licenses to larger companies, like BP, which have the deep pockets and operational capability to mount large cleanup operations.

The oil slick could become the nation's worst environmental disaster in decades, threatening to eclipse even the Exxon Valdez in scope. It imperils hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife along the Gulf Coast, one of the world's richest seafood grounds, teeming with shrimp, oysters and other marine life.

The leak from the ocean floor proved to be far bigger than initially reported, contributing to a growing sense among some in Louisiana that the government failed them again, just as it did during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Obama dispatched Cabinet officials Thursday to deal with the crisis.

Members of Congress on Thursday had also issued new calls for Obama to reconsider his plan to open vast stretches of U.S. coastline to oil and gas drilling.

Worries over jobs
Cade Thomas, a fishing guide in Venice, worried that his livelihood will be destroyed. He said he did not know whether to blame the Coast Guard, the government or BP.

"They lied to us. They came out and said it was leaking 1,000 barrels when I think they knew it was more. And they weren't proactive," he said. "As soon as it blew up, they should have started wrapping it with booms."

An emergency shrimping season was opened to allow shrimpers to scoop up their catch before it is fouled by oil.

This murky water and the oysters in it have provided a livelihood for three generations of Frank and Mitch Jurisich's family in Empire, La.

Now, on the open water just beyond the marshes, they can smell the oil that threatens everything they know and love.

"Just smelling it, it puts more of a sense of urgency, a sense of fear," Frank Jurisich said.

The brothers hope to harvest all the oysters they can sell before the oil washes ashore. They filled more than 100 burlap sacks Thursday and stopped to eat some oysters. "This might be our last day," Mitch Jurisich said.

Without the fishing industry, Frank Jurisich said the family "would be lost. This is who we are and what we do."

In Buras, La., where Hurricane Katrina made landfall in 2005, the owner of the Black Velvet Oyster Bar & Grill couldn't keep his eyes off the television. News and weather shows were making projections that oil would soon inundate the coastal wetlands where his family has worked since the 1860s.

"A hurricane is like closing your bank account for a few days, but this here has the capacity to destroy our bank accounts," said Byron Marinovitch, 47.

"We're really disgusted," he added. "We don't believe anything coming out of BP's mouth."

Mike Brewer, 40, who lost his oil spill response company in the devastation of Hurricane Katrina nearly five years ago, said the area was accustomed to the occasional minor spill. But he feared the scale of the escaping oil was beyond the capacity of existing resources.

"You're pumping out a massive amount of oil. There is no way to stop it," he said.

The Associated Press, Reuters and msnbc.com staff contributed to this report.
URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36865687/ns/us_news-environment/
Everyone just hopes the spill dosent come ashore the damage will be unreal and unlike anything experienced before if it does. Back in 1989 on the Exxon Valdez oil spill when were flown into a large basin of pristine Alaska waters by helicopter that had been saturated with oil you could smell the oil fumes several thousand feet in the air. Not a pretty site. Later we were tasked to operate barges that would come up to the shore and set up for steam cleaning of the beaches. The beaches were sectioned off with pollution control booms sometimes three deep and the hot water was pumped thru pipes that had a sprayer head on it and would cause the surface oil to run back into the ocean and diverted to skimmer type barges for recovery. Louisiana like Alaska is a beautiful place and I for one sure hope it dosent come to steam cleaning the bayous and beaches to get rid of the oil that would truely be ashame. The only other thing is that it creates alot of jobs but at what cost ?
Air burst limited nuclear device and vaporize the oil.
plus side: fish will glow and easy to catch at night.
Other oil rigs will glow = easy to see
New Orleans will no longer need street lights
Bad side: Light bulbs sit on shelf.
Anyone hear if they are still able to keep the spill from coming onshore.
this news update and video imply that the bad weather is preventing the cleanup efforts from stopping the oil from reaching land. the crews have been trying to use the ROV's to operate the cut off switch with no success. they're talking about bringing in a Navy ship to use it's submarine's to help. i just can't understand why getting a pollution dome down there isn't working or if they've tried. ROV's or subs should be able to get one down there over the leak i would think. anyway, here's the link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100501/ap_on_bi_ge/us_gulf_oil_spill
this is so true. was posted on offshorediver.com and i'm pasting it here:

BP : harbinger of negative change
Posted by spiny oyster on 4/30/2010, 18:27:07

BP...where do you start.

Like many, I've suffered through the safety this and safety that HIRA, TRA, JSA, Hazard Hunts, Safety cards, the slow motion crane ops via the "Banksman", etc.

Ultimately though, allthough they are big, they seem to screw up more here in the US than anywhere. Can you imagine if Chevron or Exxon had an incident anywhere near the magnitude of this in BP's backyard; the North Sea? The Dutch, the Norwegians, the Brits (especially the Brit public, which have forgotten we bailed them out of speaking German twice with as much American blood as is being spilled in oil now, most dislike us you know)

Yes, every union, every "Minister", every one with even a view of the water would sue, including the RMT if the DSV's can't set up due to oil.

My point is is that just now, on the cusp of what may have been groundbreaking legislation opening new offshore drilling to blunt the US's dependancy on Arab oil, BP has handed the environmentalists huge gobs of ammo to prevent this from happening. And right at the start of the season for us too.

Every job of Bp's I have been on has had Brit Client Reps. who look at you as if you are inferior. THEY are the ones that called the shots out there. They (BP) designed the wh*** kit and kaboodle. Again, just think if it were it the opposite-yanks in charge on an Exxon job and this happening in the N.Sea? It would be on every front page: "YANKS CAUSE IRREVERSIBLE SPILL IN NORTH SEA" "AMERICAN COMPANY EXXON AT FAULT" "AMERICAN LACK OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN AT HEART OF ECO-SYSTEM KILLER" . I know, I lived there, it would be on their gossip rags for the rest of the year and beyond.

So, what do we do now that BP has f'ed the dream I've had for 25 yrs. IE: real production on the the east and west coast? Instead, BP is out there wasting our natural resouces? What do we do? When do we finally get pissed off?
mike, that was some other guy with the handle "spiny oyster" on offshorediver.com. that's not me saying it. i just like what he said.


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