Have any of you paid to become a member of oilcareer.com??? You pay a monthly subscription and then they give you all the resources to find a job. They also guarantee that you will get a job.
I am very unsure about this...
if any one has used this site please can you send me some feedback, good or bad.

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Get real...Anyone who "guarantees" you a job is feeding you a line.

There are plenty of legit web sites that are great resources for job seekers. If you need a hand finding solid, reliable info on work, email me and I'll share what I know with you. Email me at doug@cdiver.net or send me a message on cDiver.

Sorry guys, this looks super sketchy. I have a background in the credit card industry and if they were a legit company they wouldn't be using PayPal. These one-page sales websites are usually tied in with tricks to get you to signup, then hope you either forget about the monthly fee or they make it difficult for you to get your money back.

Notice how most of their testimonials talk about being hopeful about getting a job. Only one or two actually mention GETTING a job. If this was really a guarantee, there would be a lot more people thanking them for the job they now HAVE.

This is why cDiver.net offers it's job search feature to divers for FREE. We don't want to make money off of scamming the divers, we make our money off of advertising from the companies. The more you guys enjoy and visit the site, the more we make in advertising. We feel this is the best approach, we're honest about it and we hope you guys enjoy the site!

Email us if you have anything to add (info@cDiver.net), but I'm closing this discussion so we don't keep promoting a site that might just take your money.



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