Why did you choose commercial diving and why inland or offshore?

For myself, I never liked doing ordinary things. I started diving in 1967 and riding motorcycles the following year. My poor parents thought I had a death wise. It didn't take me long to realize that swimming around looking a fish wasn't my thing. I also love building and fixing things, which is also why I like building motorcycles. I started out by doing salvage work in the 70's and then moved up to bridges, dams and hydro work.

I chose inland for three reasons. 1- More of a variety of work. 2- I didn't want to be away from my motorcycles and my log home in the Adirondack Mountains. 3- Back then we didn't have the good looking women working offshore that we have today. (Not being sexist here ladies)

I know to some divers it's just a job, but for me it's a passion. I'm still amazed that people pay me good money to do it.

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Mr. Harris I am about as green as they come in this indusrty, having only worked inland for a year and a half and now switching to the Gulf in the dirty south. If you would have any advise please know that its very much appreciated.
Hi Dale,
Nope, all my work has been inland Northeast. Old fart? I'm 58 years young. {;-)
Upstate. Contract my own, that way I could tell my boss to stick it up his a-- and not get fired. {:-) Had four hydro plants that I did all their work for them. What year did you go to PDSNY?
Nick its still a passion for me as well I was kinda raised into it Both my father and grandfather where army divers back in the 50's and 60's respectivly One legged Louie (Shaffer) is a very close friend of the family and got me started in the game at the age of 14 working in the shop and it blossemed from there Going on 30yrs and it is still an adventure every job!
Chuck, you definitely have some diving history going back in your family. You must have heard some great stories from them when you were growing up.
Unfortunately I'm the first in my family and so far the only.
I lived in Brentwood as they called it gods country cause we were so far east ,Not 5 mins from water. Then as an adult i moved to Rockypoint now there's god country for sure!! There i walked to the beach in one minute there i loved it the most i would like to go back some day.
Alright Liz !
is there anything else i'd rather do for a living?---------------------HELL NO
True---I'm not sure many of our 'new' brothers 'get it' though, just yet.


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