Hello to everyone!

This post is in regards to the job board/resume database.  I am the Project Manager in charge of cDiver.net.  There has been much discussion on the lack of jobs on the job board.  Here's what we have done:
  • cDiver used to charge companies to post jobs, however recently (two weeks ago) we have made this feature FREE for companies! Which means more and more jobs will begin appearing on the job board.
  • When we made the job board/resume database available for free, something problems came up in relation to the job board.  We are working to fix this problem and it should be solved within the next few days. 
  • When we made this feature free, we sent out a notice to all major commercial diving companies letting them know that this service is now free.  We received much excitement from many companies in the industry, so once the job board is fixed we all should begin to see more and more jobs posted on the board.  
Please know that we are trying to get as many jobs posted on the job board as possible.  Once the job board/resume database problem is resolved I will post a discussion in the forums to let everyone know.  Thank you so much for your patience and for using cDiver.net!

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Thanks John, keeping us in the loop keeps credability and keeps us on your side-thanks mate-b


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