Anyone interested in a Mekong River expedition adventure. I want to go up the Mekong River as far as its safe to do so and then go all the way down it to the ocean.

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Wow what a reply back. Well I am interested in that kind of a trip anyway alone or with company. Ya only go around once. Actually I think you two are ready to go you just dont know it yet.
Lmao, chere you be scarin them boys. They're either too young to know or too old to remember the movie, Apocolypse Now. Pass me the popcorn and turn up the volume, William DeFoe is the man!
Cannon to the right of ya Cannon to the left of ya into the valley of death we road.
No thanks been there.
Dale never get off the boat because bad things can happen to you thats why. The Mekong river is like 2700 miles long now that would be one hell of a good adventure trip much longer than the Mississippi I believe. Yea to see if you can make it back alive. I mentioned what I thought would be safe because when I was in Vietnam I had no say so and had to go places I sure didnt feel anywhere safe about now I am in charge of me and I get the say so so its "What I feel is safe" big difference A.
Up in Maine I saw a film clip shown by the late diver archaeologist Mr. Peter Throckmorton that he filmed showing a some real harrowing sailing adventures around Cape Horn on just huge towering mountains of very high ocean in very stormy seas on this large but old sailing ship and man that looked like riding that out could just scare you to death and you would be lucky to escape with your life. I wouldnt want to go that far Dale too rough. After you have had the hell kicked out of you on rough sea voyages you kinda learn what you dont want to do and what is smarter to do. So after I got a Capt. License is try to plan your trip so its not in the middle of a storm so going down a river like the Mekong would be much better just be careful where you get off the boat A.

This is how you travel on the Mekong nowadays. In some parts it got banned because of the many accidents. My wife and me took our chances and went for it. This boat does 20 knots. If you look good you can see this is actually an inboard motor functioning as an outboard. Peace
way to go fish food
The wh*** trip would be pretty safe. It would take forever though and I don't believe that a raft would be a good choice. A little bit like rafting the Mississippi, major boat traffic. They have some huge fish in the Mekong likely the worlds largest freshwater fish.
yea Neil I used rafting to give the idea of a long distance boat trip actually the intent would be to take what ever means of transportation that would be available.
Big fish yea I guess like 600 lb catfish.
I would volunteer to be in charge of RUM!!!
what no claymores?
292+ kilo Giant Catfish...yeah claymores ought to be about right :)
why not ethan ?


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