I leave for DIT in two weeks to start the Feb. class.  I have done some research on the school and the ballard area but dont know how to appropriatly prepare myself for it.  any suggestions.
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My comment;

Save this posting!

When You are finished You will see You OVERPAID.

Could have gone elsewhere paid 1/3 what You are paying.

Go save this and You will see.
Well theres always the College of Overspending.
I am curious Joseph, where would you recommend to go for 18.5K 7 months of school without accomadations? The norwegian school with the exchange rate, air fare etc... costs about the same. CDA I don't know anythiny about for costs. However, the cheaper schools in the US don't seem to offer the international certs aside from CDA. Is this elsewhere you mention going to give the same level of training and qualifications as everyone else?

I do apologise for the snarkyness of this repsponse, but I get tired of seeing this posts without an actual comparative list of facts.
Eric Farrand wrote;

..."The norwegian school with the exchange rate, air fare etc... costs about the same."...

Live exchange rates at 2010.01.26 at 16:22:30 UTC

32,000.00 NOK Cost of the Norwegian School

32,000.00 NOK =5,469.14 USD
Norway Kroner United States Dollars
1 NOK = 0.170911 USD 1 USD = 5.85101 NOK

That is $5,470.00 for the course as of today's 01/26/2010 exchange rate.

Norwegian School Cost see URL:


Look for a place to rent LIKE A LOCAL not a tourist, look and You will find!

250euro is 352.343 USD

EXAMPLE from craigslist;

1br - well furnished apartment 250euro per month Oslo, Norway (Oslo, Norway)
Date: 2009-12-29, 1:01AM CET
Reply to: hous-edtxw-1528169767@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

he secure apartment also features a spacious kitchen and lounge/dining area with quality finishes throughout.
Air conditioning, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, refridgerator, microwave oven and a secure car bay. Features:
Kitchen, Laundry, Lounge/Dining, Water Closets

* Location: Oslo, Norway

PostingID: 1528169767

Eric Farrand wrote;

..."but I get tired of seeing this posts without an actual comparative list of facts."

Do not take this the wrong way!

If You are that interested do the research and the actual comparison, You have the same access to information as everyone else!

Or would You like the research done for You?

I actually have the school bookmarked. When I ran the costs, it was comparable, including the visas fees, langauge issues and such. I assume you attended that school?
flynn your the man! Let me clear the air on my side guys. I applied to CDA first. the school is short and pretty expensive. I only got like 9 grand for Financial aide and that was the maximum you can get for them because it only last four months. I was going to have finance almost 11,000 bones more just to go to the school. Not happening and that was without an international cert.
the reason i picked DIT is because it seems as if they have a very good curriculum. the i got all but 3200 bone for the school, and i can pick that up on my own. To me CDA breaks everything down they teach and charge extra for it. its very itemized. DIT teaches all the same stuff and for less. their reputation seems to be great. I have called diving firms and they say they hire from DIT first if they can. that mean A LOT to me. All i have to do is buy own equipment. Not to mention the school gives me a little extra time to work and stuff which is equally important since i have a wife and two kids.
The point of this message board was not to get people mad at each other raise someone elses pennant flag. I am just looking for some good tips about DIT in not negatory stuff. places to live, work, sleep, public trans info if anyone has it. so far Flynn is the only guy that has given me any feedback at all. C'mon guys lets get it together.
man i cant spell or grammer check for s*** can i? oh yeah did i mention that the only guy who has offered to help me out is also DIT alumni something i found out long after he started helping me? thanks flynn i really appreciate your help!
and i cant forget Ace Parnell. you have a been a HUGE HELP buddy. I owe you one big time.
dustin & ray, I notice DIT group has 37 members and they don't seem to be too quick in responding. Maybe a personal appeal to their membership would elicit a response, sorry I have no direct domestic info but hope one of the DIT guys can help you out on that. cheers-bill
Eric-IMCA endorsed training establishments north america--
www.imca-int.com/members/northamerica/ .......go to right hand column, follow down to training establishments. Be sure to get info on how to get TWIC card and offshore permits, like helicopter underwater escape, etc. (OPITO) may not require them for domestic inland work but have the info accessable if you want to go offshore/intl.
Me too. Its getting more and more paperbound to get s*** done. This year the Dutch decided you have to have medicals by cert Ditch docs. Before your HSE medicals covered it all for working Dutch sectors in the north sea.
Bill, Mike thanks for the corrections and information links. Sorry again for the typing errors. I never thought to try and search for IMCA as a separate search when I was looking for schools. Appreciate the help.
When you get to dit, you might want to inquire about getting help to securing a seamans book either us or panamanian, for offshore work in middle east.


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