I'm going to dive school in a month and I have a lot of free time at my current job, i'm looking for books that should be read, educational or what ever you recommend. thank you.
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There are tons, but you probably don't have time enough to get them before school starts, Hammerhead Press, Best Bookbinders, Cornell Maritime Press. Try internet mags like Offshore, Maritime Reporter, Rigzone etc. and read the ads too. Internet-Look up Divex, Amron, Divers Supply, Wachs, Stanley Underwater Tools, Drager Diving Equipment. Maritime Salvage, Marine construction, piledriving, caisson-sheet pile, marine pipeline construction, Diving Support Vessels, Dynamic positioning. Offshore demolition, Ships husbandry, underwater burning & welding, rigging, seamanship & small boat handling.......more on request. b
Look for "Life Support Systems Design" by Nuckols/Tucker/Sarich. put out by Pearson Custom Publishing. I bought mine from Best Books. It's all about Diving and Hyperbaric applications, gives you examples of formulas in common sense format.

Check ebay and amazon for used books.
"Diver" by Tony Groom. Not nessesarly educational but a very good read. I got mine from Tony himself but I think it can be purchased from www.seafarerbooks.com
At least two years when he told me about the book. I know hes still kickin every once and a while he is on longstreath
North Sea Divers a requiem... good book.
Hey Fish Food Ive been looking for a copy of that for a long time. Do you have any info or leads as to where a copy can be found?

Chuck, its available from amazon.com $14.99
For a good list of up to date diving commercial books and other diving related books go to www.bestpub.com/bookstore.asp
Navy Dive manual!!!!!
Get a head start before going to dive school and get the 'commercial divers handbook' , everything you need to know is in it.
The History of Oilfield Diving-Christopher Swann, Oceanaut Press
Construction of Marine & Offshore Structures - Gerwick, CRC Publishing
Modern Marine Salvage-Milwee, Cornell Maitime Press
Crane & Rigging Handbook-ITS Publishing
Ashley Book of Knots
Submarine Manned Engineering-Haux
Diving/Shipwrecks Robert Marx
Any books on Ships husbandry/construction
Divers handbooks, commercial/professional divers manuals, Salvors Handbook US Navy, more on request.-bill


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