was wondering how precon is to work for? was thinkin of applying..

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So go do it you dont need anyone to hold your hand do you ?
no but im married,living in florida and cant afford to move there and find the company is a joke.
Jim there are many dive construction company's in Florida most don't pay much as I know it but thats Florida have you tried there ?
Moving the family or just you is a very expensive undertaking these days get it in writing like a email stating what they will do for you in rates, etc if at all possiable before you leave your house. I personally know divers who have spent over $2000. on travel this year alone on flaky dive companies giving them the oh yea come on out we are impressed and have a job for you only to have them renege for one reason or another mean while you have just spent alot of money for no job.
If there really interested in hiring you tell them your strapped for cash right now and can they buy you a round trip ticket and that you will split the cost of it with them for the travel, they can take the balance out of your pay. In this way you have them making a commitment in cash and as least you will get to work and pay off your travel without any cash out of your pocket.
Getting there is only just that next you will need to stay somewhere and need transportation and of course eat it all costs money out of your pocket did you get that out of your pocket. Ask do you pay per diem ? or provide a motel ? When is payday ?
There are so many dive companies these days and alot of them are barely getting by so protect your cash resources thats easier then coming home and having to tell your wife you made a mistake in believing some flaky dive construction company guy that dosent have any authority or cash behind him to pay you. After all your not their finance company your the diver. Good luck.l
What do you mean by "just one season" Mr. Flynn?
Flynn I feel ya.
I haven't worked for Precon, but their website provides tons of clues to research and follow up on their reputation. If you have written correspndence giving you confirmation of employment in good faith -pack a bag and "go see" giving yourself a week to recc. the situation. Thats more than enough time to suss out the situation. They are an East Coast outfit so that is a more convenient consideration than Utah or Seattle. Go to it......


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