Do offshore companies in the gulf still allow you to use bandmasks?

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Don't go more than 2k for a 17. You'll have to put a lot into getting it rebuilt. Some companies won't let you dive it for the cam system is dodgy. There are plenty of 27s out there if you have a small head or are a girl.
Matt, check out and look at the airhats. You can get one and upgrade it to a gashat later when you need it to dive gas.
So if i got a 17 a/b with a cam lock neck dam most companies wouldn't even let me use it?
When I went to work for big salvage company, they're policy was you can use your own gear, but it had to be a 17k or 27 because these hats don't have the problems the early 17a/b had. Subsequently I sold my 17b for I couldn't use it. It wouldn't surprise me if others have adopted this policy. Each company/supervisor will have their own standards. When I was at SubSea, they would let me use my KMB 18, but not when jetting. At Oceaneering, I used my KMB for everything. Millers tend to consume a lot of gas, so I don't like the guy's to dive them on gas.

What you use might never become a problem, but it could, it did for me.
So most cases if im looking to go offshore in the gulf a sl17 a/b would not be a problem? i just dont want to spend all the money i have now and come to find out when i go to look for jobs that i cant use my hat and not afford to get another one
another question, can you paint your hat? and is it a good idea to buy one that is painted?
yea im i still in school but the main question here was does having your own helmet coming out of school put you ahead any? So far i have got mixed answers?
Yea your going to be confused and broke from school and buying a hat in the beginning. Something to rember is just look at what repair and replacement parts cost for what ever hat you chose. MAN! you will be putting out some serious change for some hats when its time for the require annual certs. and on and on look into it because its all your hard earned money that it will be costing you. Take a good look at Gorski and Heavy Metal hats and then look at others-big difference in parts costs and upkeep.

Good Luck
yea i do have experience welding, and just finished school for that so i think that will help and im also starting a emt class and will get that cert to before i graduate, my twic card and passport are also on the way the only other thing i can think of to make me more marketable is buying a hat right away. problem is my budget is only about 1500 so a 17 a/b sounds about right i just want to make sure i can actually use it when i get out there.
I know owning a hat does not entitle me a job, but if tow guys show up to interview both with equal experience/schooling one owns his own gear one does not who would they hire?
Im gunna have a hard time? settle down dude i was just asking a question.
Matthew, I understand where you're comming from-in looking for an edge having a helmet or not is irrelevent. If I hire a guy its cause he exhibits what I'm looking for and he has no hat-he can use mine. By and large NO two divers are equally qualified (escpecially if you'e being task specific- somebody will always have an edge) unless they are both not worth considering as employable, then it really doesn't matter who has a hat. Take your time, do your research and pick up all those skills it takes to get you a job, you'll get there soon enough. .......hey shaun hows it hangin? Between you Dale Ace and me there is prob. 100 yrs + diving experience-scarey, right on guys.


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