We need the support of every Nigerian Commercial Divers in the Oil and Gas Industry .To make diving more pleasant and safe for all of us to work in.Diving in Nigeria is growing everyday due to the Offshore Installations and Maintenance in the Oil and Gas industry.

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Yea, the more we reach out and let people be aware of the development in the industry the better for us all.
We need to be videoing all our activities for future reference so that some day we might go on air to let the Nigerian people know that this industry is not as they believe for the un-educated, hooligan and society people etc, but for those who want to develop the oil and gas industry in Nigeria and make a living for them self and their families.
We are more than one hundred and fifty million (150,000,000) people and we can achieve great things in this country with love and commitment on everybody to build a better Nigeria for our generation to come. We should tell ourselves that we also are capable of meeting up with whatever standard elsewhere and be better divers and get international engagement also like the guys that come to work here from different countries.
Subsea tasks have normally been accomplished by conventional divers wearing some form of breathing apparatus; they are subject to the effects of the ambient pressure at their working depth. Working depths for North Sea divers vary from just a few metres down to 200 metres where the divers are working in 'saturation', often living for days in pressure chambers at the ambient pressure involved. Occasionally work has to be done at 300 metres, which is still within the limits of modern diving systems, and there is interest in increasing this depth capability to 450 metres. The maximum working depth for conventional divers is limited by the effects of breathing at depth, and the effects on the body caused by excessive pressures. However, ADS and ROV intervention are theoretically possible at any depth, the only limitations being mechanical and environmental.

Despite these advances, there will always be a role for the conventional diver, particularly since most work takes place at relatively shallow depths. However, it is very important nowadays for the diver to combine his diving abilities with other technical skills, for example fitting, welding, engineering and inspection skills.

Diving skills are also needed in several other careers: the armed services, the police, science (particularly marine biology and archaeology), the media and in the training of recreational divers.

For those wishing to combine diving with their interests in science, then it is necessary to qualify fully in the area of science, and additionally train as a diver. Some courses in marine biology, underwater science and marine archaeology include diving training.
Hey guys, I think the bane of the Nigerian diver is not just his lack of awareness, but more of a stubborn hold on and maintenance of the old ways of doing things. You will agree with me that most of our divers will never give in to new ideas, especially if these ideas come from divers who are percieved to be "baby" divers or new to the industry. What we fail to realise is that people are learning new and better methods of doing things these days and therefore, may be more in sync with goings on in the industry than those divers that have been there before my father was born (for example, how many of our divers have keyed in to this great move by our brother to bring us together? And I know how many divers I have personally told about the site and the need for them to identify with it). We really need to start educating our guys on the need to let go of old and outdated ways(no insults intended here) and stop suspecting every move of our brothers at bringing a change to our industry that we will all benefit from in the long run. I'm up for any suggestions or invitations to meetings or gatherings to move us forward. Kudos Sam! This shows you are using your head, and not just your air!! I'm somewhere in the gulf at the moment, that's why I haven't uploaded my pix. Will do that as soon as I'm back. Cheers mates.
Life is all about changes,there is no way we can stop changes,activities in life most change,but positive results always comes when we all agree to change to more better ways of doing things.

To make diving a sucess depends upon the support and help of divers in the industry.
I know so many will think that these moves are just for some few people,but i know is for all of us in the diving industry.
Thanks for your contribution and support in moving the diving profession forward.Extend my greetings to the rest of the divers in the Gulf.Work Safely
Although we have our own little problems the real problem is that we are not even recognized.nobody is fighting for us.look at other professions like petroleum engineering,safety and the rest.they have a body recognized by the government.that body send all their concerns and problems directly to the DPR and other governmental bodies that needs seeing.we divers do not have any of these things.The asociation we have is not effective.They are not doing enough because i ve been a diver for 2 years before i knew that an association exist.We need a proper association and we need men who are up to the standard to mount the helm of affairs and help us reach the government.look at us,we can go for courses like the expats does because the money we earn is not even enough to feed ourselves and our families.I hope i can reach out to men in hiding who have the power to help us to come out and speak for us.


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