I'm trying to get a handle on the regional depth pay for workers in Europe. Is there depth pay for UK divers? If so, what are the typical rates starting at? This is for offshore work.


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Try www.longstreath.com members board-pay rates-ODIA (current RMT Union Diving rates Nortrh Sea 2009)
If you have any trouble there can also try-www.ukdivingbrotherhood.wordpress.com/ Oct 29
Thank you, Bill. This is exactly what I was looking for (union pay rates on UKdiving Brotherhood).
Being a Diving Union rep in the UK, allow me to expand on the pay scales.

The scales posted are for those working in the UK offshore waters. The rate is paid on a daily basis for each day at work or part day at work with the allowances for travel and subsistence, certification and boots and dental costs.

In addition is the saturation pay for each hour in saturation or under pressure when undertaking bell bounce work on any breathing mixture.

There is no depth pay similar to the USA. Most diving in the UK over 18 metres (60 feet) is in Saturation and the decompression phase is the depth bonus as you get the same Sat bonus throughout decompression. So a 6 day decompression from 180 metres (600 feet) is an additional 6 days pay, where as shallower depths require less decompression.
For shallow surface diving to 30 metres (100feet) there is no depth pay which allows all to be paid the same irrespective of the weather.

The rates in Dutch Waters for a Dutch company are I am informed as follows;
Euros 525 a day
Euros 25 for CSWIP inspection qualification holder
Euros 25 for IMCA Diver Medic qualification Holders.
Sat pay is same as UK

In Norway UK pay scales are adopted by the Norway Offshore Unions.

In Denmark the rates will be either UK or Dutch depending on who you work for.

For a copy of the UK Offshore Diving Industry Agreement see www.odia.org.uk


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