I cant help but notice that a few of my posts are gone as well as the chat room? Is this place dying?

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Let the conspiracy theories begin! Yes Ethan, cDiver.net is actually my secret ploy to monitor a small piece of the wit and sarcasm that you bring into the world.

Or, it could be that the members who created the posts you left comments on have either deleted your "insight" or deleted their posts all-together. We only censor the very lewd, crude and offensive content on the site. No need to play big-brother, this is an open place to talk and will always remain that way.

Glad to see you back in action. I even received a message from one of your "fans" asking if you were still around.
Way to bust out Toby there Adam!! LOL
sorry to burst your bubble. wasn't me at all. was glad i didn't have to see him around anymore....and that happiness disappeared.
Its really sad in a pathetic sort of way that your happiness revolves around what Im doing online. First round of group hugs are on me guys!
eat a bowl of d***s queer
Just so everybody reading this is clear; Toby wants to see men eat d***s...and FLYNN wants to watch... (O.o) ?

Was a joke Toby, I know it wasnt you but Ethan didnt... and now Im sorry to have throw you under the bus.
You didnt get the memo?
Right...and...um....I'm going to have to ask you to...uh...use the new cover sheets on your TPS reports. You see, we have these new cover sheets...


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