What should we film at Underwater Intervention this year?

We'll be at Underwater Intervention with the purposes of representing commercial divers, seeing cool new stuff in action, and capturing the most entertaining moments of Underwater Intervention.

But we want to know from the divers...what do you want to see us film?

It's all open game here guys. Let us know and we'll get it done for you!

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Despite our professional, courteous and best efforts, we are not being allowed to film at Underwater Intervention this year. Sorry guys...

Instead, we'd love to hear what you divers want us to accomplish at Underwater Intervention.

- Are there new products that you want us to tell the dive community about?
- Are there questions you'd like us to ask a certain company?
- Do you want us to work on simply creating a center for dive jobs and getting dive company buy in?
- Or would you like to see us interview divers, dive companies and all of the fun that divers are having in New Orleans that week?
That post was actually for last year's conference, before I had any clue just how this industry really works.

This year we're going to go right for the hearts of divers, with beer and women. How's that sound? :)
New products, new dive companies, diving legends interviews, and a still photo spread of diver oriented booths/exhibits. Pleeze
Thanks Bill, that's what I was looking for. You got it!
I'm trying to make it to this event. I live an hour away but with current job not sure


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