Are there any Heavy Gear Divers out there still working in the gear?
or have you been subjected to having to wear tupper ware??

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Until last year I've been using jap gear as jobs required Have no objection to tupperware for sat/bell wrk.
Flynn my boy have you ever worked in Heavy Gear ? If you have you would know the turn around time is 4 minutes, Less Equipment ?? Lets see in tupper ware you wear a helmet,neck ring,safety harness,weight belt,wet suit, or a shirt and jeans, rubber boots,or fins,bailout bottle, etc. etc.
I wear dive dress,helmet w/breastplate,weight belt,rubber boots,or fins, wool or silk long johns.
Better vis, face port, top port, two side ports. Dry dives,
I can hover like a helicopter in mid water can you? Plus I dont need a class II bell for deco.dives.
My gear is a class II bell.
If you know how to drive it there is nothing you can do in tupper ware I can't do in Heavy Gear.
Bounce Bell and Sat is another story.
The reason they came up with the tupper ware was to get into and out of Bells and you could take Mr.
Scuba Diver and train him in less time , meaning more profit for the dive schools.
Give me slack and down on the jet hose.
love it do go on please.

steve h

reason as i am still looking at at hats or heavy gear now!!!
WHILE I AM NOT looking at plastic fantastic i.e. a new77 or gorski, or miller, heavy metal NO
don't like the reg.

email me direct if you wish as i would like to hear
"So that's what happens when your turn around time is 4 munutes...
I thought he was coming up awfully easy"

-He's finnished, NEXT!!!
We have both the Gorski and the 77 here at Chino both are great hats.
The Gorski and Heavy Metal use posiden regulators.
77 is adjustable diaphram demand- vary easy to breath.
Your looking at between 5 and 6.5 K in cost for new ones.
Chino hand like all three helmets and will buy metal hats in the future.
The tupper ware breaks if dropped on deck and that becomes a 2k story for replacement.
Gorski and Heavy Metal require less maintenace and parts are less.
I would try all three and see which one you like then buy it.
Dive helmets are tools of the trade and thus fully tax deductable, put those tax dollars to work.
Shut down the jet pump and up on my slack.
well having been looking hard at a 77 i am already told they are breaking just like the tupperware hats on the neck ring Q the 2000 repair bill.

i have another question on this hat, why WHY!!!! did they put a plastic reg on it, to me it seems to defeat the object or am i missing some thing again. like money for repairs.

steve h
The Regulator on the 77 is NOT plastic, it has a protection cover that is part of the exhaust whisker assembly.

Look and You will see.


good job i said no more

YES you are right

and one uk supplier is wrong totally wrong, as thats were i got the info from yesterday.
so maybe i won't be buying a hat off him , considering he does seem to know so much about nothing.


steve h
thanks for this but i am still no closer to making a purchase, so what to do, i still don't know as when i spend like eveyone else its gone and i am stuck with what ever i have purchased like it or hate it.


steve h
Whats the eta Mike?
with the best in mind what sort of money may we be talking here.

and yes i know you cannot buy a rolls for the price of a pinto.

yes time scale would be good with a $$$ ish


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