What in hell is this gift thing all about-I'm just old deck dirt, hep me ????

wot-why? wot up?

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@#%##*^@F$#**&+ Thanks I guess....Being a bit long in the tooth, I think I'll maintain my membership in curmudgeons of canada-bah humbug. Spudwrench is in the bunk.
Its all about filling out hurt feeling(s) reports, certified 'huggers' on staff with any and all comfort items lil wussies can ask/cry for, and hating yourself for having to be nice, when they really need to be physically or mentally ripped a new one... really saves time if you can preform both at once. Sound about right?

I prefer the gay emo 'I-wanna-die' s*** for my troops to send in to me personally, but its more often they will cry it out in front of you...thats Army strong!! hehehe
On the rare occassion I encounter a whiner on my rotation, I hand them a wire brush and a box of umbilical tape and suggest they find a use for both. I've pissed off not few co. men for sending a real bad cryer to the house, its bad for moral and team efficacey.


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