This is where we ponder the ongoing monthly contests for the cDiver site. Ideas and suggestions wecome from all!

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Idea: Best pic with cDiver logo sticker on a diver's butt.
Idea: Coolest underwater photo of a cDiver sticker. Voted on by the cDiver community. we were at work and someone told me about this site...

Check out the Katrina Blowout Special.
how about the best way to pass time in a chamber?
Coldest place for diving
playstation 3 to use with all the ass time we have in the winter, also you can get online with a PS3 to check on your cdive status.
Best dive movie and worst dive movie. I can go with marinedvr to be a judge at the model search
How about one of the prizes to be a helmet of your choice,ie. Kirby Morgan, Miller, Gorski, etc?
Whoa! That's bucks! I would sell the thing and keep the $$$

Retch said:
How about one of the prizes to be a helmet of your choice,ie. Kirby Morgan, Miller, Gorski, etc?
Idea: Weekly "Caption Contest" to go along with your monthly regular one, just 'cause they're easy to do. One post, no re-dos, just your best quote!

Here's one to try out:

I'll go first:
Ok, ok, ok. I know I've only just passed my IMCA Sat supervisor's exam.


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