Hi to everyone out there making a living by jumping into the water. I am completely new to the industry and would like to know the following. Most of the time diving is described as hard physical work. What is more important to a diver, physical strength or endurance. I myself am not a big guy. I am 5 11" and weigh around 190 pounds. I guess I could bench my weight. But I am very fit since I swim and run a lot. What kind of physical constitution should someone bring along in order to do his job properly? Thanks for all suggestions.

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hey boss. i am new to the industry as well. i have 5 dives with in two months. im 6'1" and about 178Lb. hands and legs. hands, cause sometimes you only have finger grip as you position your self. and legs to wrap your legs around a pipe when the current is pulling you all over the place. thats just what i have learned.... good luck boss
Ok Skip thanks.
come to the gulf hun...lots of wrapping around things and hanging from things. you know you'd love it.
yes, sometimes you can use a hogging line like he is and sometimes you can't or don't. when i was still new, i got to grit blast for the 1st time on some platform members. was a night dive on a horizontal diagonal and nobody told me about a hogging line, lol. getting the top and sides was easy....then i hung like a monkey to get the bottom portion. hung with one arm, blasted with the other. got tired of that so i straddled it and hung upside down to use both hands.
it made me always think of and use a damn hogging line after that, lol
in a pinch you can use your hose for a hogging line. No Liz, I am not talking dirty to ya.


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