Looking for ole Taylor Divers

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In Reply to you looking for old TD&S hands.  TD&S has a reunion each year open now for all divers think it is 23 or 24th of October 2015 just go to the internet & look up TD&S Reunion. Here are a few men besides myself James Trotter, Charles Coggeshall, Bill Schleigh, Bob Barth, Tony Waddell.  At one time TD&S employed over three hundred Divers, Tenders & Rack operators hope this is a help. Regards GL Dude Adams

24 October is correct, Dude - are you coming

Sorry John but I can not make it this year but perhaps next year tell everyone Hi & to save some Suds for me next year. Dude

Can do, Dude! keep smiling...

Hey Guys, Sorry I can't make it this year, just to busy, not enough time to get it together. I WILL be there next year ! Say Hello for me !

Hello, Charlie and Dude, it has been a long time. I just discovered the cDiver site while looking for contact info for John Roat. When l saw your names l wanted to say hello, and say l am glad to have found this site. Dude, we have met several times years ago at Taylor, as l recall. I don't know if you are aware Tom Grove has died. He passed away this past April 23rd. at the Baptist Hospital Hospice Unit in Jackson, MS. He died of complications associated with kidney and liver failure. Tom and l were best of friends for close to 44 years. I thought you would like to know.
On other matters, Charlie, and Dude, What are you up these days?

Sorry to hear about Tom's death... may he RIP.

Did you find Roat's contact info? class29r@cox.net will get to him, Dan.

Hi Dan, Yes I remember both you & Tom sure was sorry to hear of his passing and the loss of your best friend. I will pass on this info please convey to Tom's family my belated Respects. As far as what have I been doing NOTHING bored out of my mind. Just Retired & Golden years are a laugh. Keep in touch & take care buddy.  Dude

Thanks, John, for John Roat's contact email, l appreciate it. What are you doing these days?

Safety Director for Legacy Offshore in Morgan City is my latest adventure, Dan. I try through industry groups to improve diving safety, too. (Divers Association, GOM Dive Safety Work Group)

Hope life is treating you well!

I am still learning about this site, but wanted to communicate with you all again to respond and answer your questions.
After twenty years offshore and in the office, l retired from the oilfield diving business in 1992. My Swan Song was providing two Mini Saturation/Bounce Diving Units to a Mexican diving contractor.
After finishing my degrees, taught history at the University of Colorado at Denver. Finally, after a trip here and there, my wife, Dorothy and l settled back in Texas, East Texas. I have six pet dogs and a North American Timber Wolf, a she-wolf actually. Between my pets, gardening, and raising chickens l keep busy, but l do have a couple of other interests too. So l am glad to be here and just enjoying being alive.


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