Question about recently expired Entry level diver/tender ADCI card?

I am a currently employed tender in the gulf & i just realized while going through certs that my card expired last month & i assume that since i got a call from ops yesterday that well be mobilizing a barge in next day or two that they haven't realized the expiration either. So my question is what i should do? Also after reading up some on the ADCI website they use the words EXPIRING CARD and some other things i have read sound like you should renew before expiration so i would like to know about that as well if anyone knows and what i should do? And then some posts i have read talk like ppl never renew because they are never asked unless getting new job. I would really appreciate any accurate info on this subject & or the like. Thanks again

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Renewing your tender card is simple and cheap.  Just send them the $ they want and they'll use your old picture.  

Do you need it?  NO.  If your company doesn't care, then why should you.  My "Mixed Gas Diving Supervisor" card expired in 2009.  I didn't care and neither does the company I work for now, or worked for then.  The ADC is a joke, just a $ making group of BS artists that throw a party in N.O. once a year.  

Just cross out the number and put in a new number. Its the same ting we do with deep sea diving diplomas. A little white-out is all you need to gradutate deep sea divin skool.

nice one nick^


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