Just like it says.  Looking for a used ROV system.  Falcon or a Phantom would be preferred.  email. ccurtiss@deepsixdiving.com.  Thanks in advance.

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From:  http://www.minisubs.org/page33.php


Falcon ROV for sale. This ROV has been little used, and very well maintained. This Falcon System has been greatly improved over the unit originally supplied by Seaeye. Falcon ROV  (non Fibre Falcon System) comes with: 250m loose standard Seaeye 11mm 3TWP cable. Another loose 175m 4TWP 13.2mm cable. This umbilical is an individually shielded 4TWP construction with power conductors inside. This in line connector length is connected via an adapter to the Surface control / Power Supply Unit. / this enables us to add various lengths if required or attach to the 500m drum. Improved slip-ring winch with 500m special 4TWP 13.2mm cable on a slip ring drum (possible to attach an electric drive motor). This allows the Falcon ROV to perform long tunnel penetrations. 5-function Manipulator. Survey pod installed on the Falcon providing power and comms (TWP) to a third party sensor. Tritech Seaking Sonar with AUX Port to hook up a USBL Transponder, Profilers, Side Scan, Parametric Sub Bottom Profiler. Camera tracking light, 50W Halogen. Umbilical / umbilical handling. Clock latch mechanism that can automatically release the Falcon when in water or being activated by a pull-line. Lots of spare parts. Survey JB containing power supplies and a number of connectors for third party sensors and lights. ROV has been upgraded with Data-Out Function License, New Modern navigation board. Pitch and roll display, Video board for 2 x Cameras and zoom and Focus Function plus one relay to switch function. All Thrusters recently serviced by Seaeye to the newest specification and extended reliability. Price USD $179, 000.


Tel: England (+44) 1285. 760620.

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