I'm 22 years old scuba diver from Indonesia,holding advanced cert from PADI

currently i'm working as marine surveyor in Jakarta, Indonesia.

I really want to be commercial diver but unfortunately the cost of the courses is not yet affordable for me right now.

Is there any company or academy offering sponsorship?or student loan?

In return I'm willing to be fully committed working for them and ready to be placed anywhere to do my jobs.

I hope i can get some recommendations from you fellow divers, thanks before.. :)


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You may want to look in to Divers Academy Intrenational. They helped me get the loans I needed.

Do you have the website address?

is foreigner eligible to get the loan?

thanks for the reply,:)


Honestly? I would get an underwater housing and camera and film people surfing in Indo. You'll ALWAYS be in the water and making $. You might end up on a boat or traveling the world. Surfers LOVE u/w photographers. Good $, and this was what I wanted to do. I'm too old so there you go bud. I gave you my secret plan, and you won't have to leave home and go thousands $ in debt.



Also, surfers NEED photogs and Indo. is the best surf in the world!

Thank you Gomer, actually i have 2 cameras with underwater housing which i use to make underwater movies for my self collection.

In indonesia do you mean bali? i've never filmed a surfer before, do u have any contacts that i can call to get the job?

or it will be very nice if you and i work together in this job, we could make projects for surfers,

what do u think?

I know there is good $ in it. Oceanimaging.com is a school, but I think EXPERIENCE is what they need. The better the video or photo the more you will be known. Have you ever heard of the Quicksilver "crossing?" The capt.'s name is Mel. That's all I know. I would think you would do better showing up and meeting the pro's in person with your gear. You might be able to get on filming rich people at the resorts. (semi-pro). Most pro's have their own photographer to travel with them. Sumatra is a good spot. Let me research.......

Google or Bing: Surfer magazine underwater videographers..... Tells you to start out locally, so YOU are lucky. Your answers are right there on the page from an experienced videographer.

Mentawais, Nias, Telos, Jakarta, Padang Padang, Sumba are a few world famous surf spots. If you popped out of the jungle with swim flips and videocamera I would hire you. Surfers are well traveled and usually really cool. Try to find out what videographers make $ and go from there. I would love to go to Indo but I fish for salmon every summer. Construction diving is flooded now and I think this would be a good lead to follow. Good luck. 

Thank you for the advice Gomer.

I'll try to find out more about this?

how do u know construction diver are flooded? i thought they need more divers for the offshore rigs and all,.

aniway keep in touch if any info pops out , or maybe if u need divers :)

let me know if you're planning to visit Indonesia.

LOL, I kinda got off track there.... Here's the deal. Construction diving is a wh*** different breed of diving.... I'm not really the one to give advice but, I'm all about "high speed low drag" so, Youngs Memorial in Louisianna. Cheapest and quickest way into the industry and your right there in L.A. ready to go. There are too many school pumping out tenders. There are not enough jobs for them all. Here's the secret and it is how I made it in this field. WORK, and I mean WORK. I have got on jobs that I should not have been on because I busted my ass. If you WORK like an animal you will get your foot in the door. 22? your just a pup. You have plenty of time.I would research Youngs Memorial and they can answer your questions about $, loans etc.

nice thinking Gomer, it actually opens my eyes to the industry.

So what do u suggest for me Gomer?honestly.

maybe now i'm still 22 but if i dont start now, then i might end up becoming nothing.

if i can make much money through scuba diving i'd love to do it because i love it so much, but the thing is scuba diving actually cost me money...

Here's the deal. You can get a HP compresser and jam your own tanks, scrape barnacles, replace zincs, and make video. Or you can become a real surface supplied diver. I don't know your financial situation, but there were people from all over the world at DIT. The $ is there for you to borrow. Scuba gear comes and goes. Even if you don't like the GULF you can still go home with the best training in the world, open your own shop etc. If you have a strong work ethic, at 22 I would give it a shot. I think you can apply for financial aid BEFORE you travel all the way to the U.S. DIT check it out, and Youngs memorial if you want to get in the field quick and cheap. The world is your oyster!


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