SGC Group is looking for commercial divers!  Yes, we're an underwater UXO company and we're expanding!

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I am in. Thanks!

Hi Steve, my name is Christopher. I am currently working for seaward marine corp. However I am looking for a new opportunity. I would like to know more about this company. Where is it based out of? what type of work? 


Thanks for the friend invite.  We're working with some larger companies with off shore oil platforms, other Prime contractors as well as underwater UXO and SOCOM training.

I anticipate several hard contracts in the immediate future.


Still looking, tell me about location, day rate or hourly, depth pay?

Interested in the opportunity. Where can I apply?

Do you have a web address for SGC Group. I googled the name and there's a lot of SGC Groups out there.

Thanks Steve

Mr Cassidy, this sounds really cool.  What's the location? and pay rate?

Actively trying to secure 4 sites.

I'm currently living in Orlando, Fl.  Where would I have to re-locate to?

We do not require people to relocate.  Live where you want to live.  Work where you want to work. 

We will deploy as needed.


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