is well past the time that working Divers and Supervisors should have a seat at the table when Regulations and Safety Issues are discussed. I am going to throughout for discussion just such a group. So everyone is aware it is being discussed now by people with power to make it happen. Everything below is open for your comment; they will be taken into consideration.

One aspect of the group that everyone needs to understand: Its charter will be Diving Safety only. It will not be for or against unions or become involved in employment issues. With that said it does need to be international, there are not enough of us in any one country for anyone to listen.

Membership: Working Divers and Supervisors would include what in some areas are called Tenders and others Baby Divers, graduates of commercial diving schools. It would have members on the Board of directors that represent every corner of this earth.

One suggestion is a: Dues paying members only web page ? Suggestions, Comments & Impractically reason for a NO vote Please. Yes I said please.


You can also post comment here is you do not wish anyone to know who you are.

PS If you have not signed my petition yet please review and consider doing so. http://www.gopetitio...vers-lives.html

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As you know John money talks and b******* walks.

I am all for a dues paying members web page. When you are invested you tend to get things done.

50+ years in the business and all I have seen is b****ing with no results its about time for divers to have a voice internationaly without stabbing each other in the back.

We all want that voice, but the reality that I have experienced over the last 20 + years is that 

Most He Man Divers Big Balls Dry Up when it comes to making their voices heard with a face attached. THere are a lot of old Schoolers still out there beating their blood sweat and tears into this idea, however  the younger guys now just like then want it to be some one elses problem. 

Dues makes sense to guys who watch 60 minutes and enjoy a good book, not kids that would spend down time playing video games on phones instead of surveying their gear. 

We need this  but we need to put our faces on everything we do, we are not children, or sheep ( from the way most express themselves here) Own what you believe in, support, care about, and are willing to defend. The Days of the ADCI are coming to an end, because even the membership is tired of being pirated by the has been membership dues practices. They are losing respect of USCG, and ACOE as well as others who are being made aware of the Double standards. The class idea is great, I just think we as divers teachers mentors and guides should be willing to own our actions and not fear being known as members of a group that stand for our individual protection over a corporate bottom line.


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