The attached PDF is an open letter to all stake holders in the commercial diving business from Louis Schaefer owner of Legacy Offshore. The book mentioned, in the letter is A Significant Casualty the book was mailed to upper management of OSHA and the Coast Guard with the attached letter.

If you have not signed my petition yet please review and consider signing.

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Howzit, Johno long time no speak, been to busy diving. I think you are fighting for a very worthy cause, these diving standards are the way to go, in South Africa minimum manning requirements for diving teams has been law for years. I have signed your petition, and will tell other SA divers to check it out!

If every business owner had the balls to submit their own opinion on these facts, and the attached doc**ents following, we would see a deep cut in the adc's gut.

I havent disappeared John, Im still working out the school Idea and the NAWD Idea Im gathering info and talking to the NEDU about a Civilian Version of their program. Hopefully by late 2012.

Jerry and All ;


It was sent to every dive company owner we could find. I have heard from several that say they support Louis position,

A couple Oil & Gas Companies have held meetings on the topic. He presented it to Coast Guard National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee meeting in Houston on November 19, 2011 He covered three topics:. The use of a dedicated, non-diving, Rack Operator on Surface Gas jobs,The Safety issues if you don't use a 5 man Dive Team and Hyperbaric Evacuation System for Saturation Diving.

The Drawing attached is an update on the original the only change is the panel is now IMCA Compliant. Louis used this one at his presentation. If you have not signed the Petition for change yet, DO SO! The Quote is from the comment of Olivia Smock singer # 855.

" My husband Matthew Smock was killed 1-8-2011 as a result of unsafe diving practices and divers and tenders that were not doing their jobs. He leaves behind 4 young children. Our 4 year old son has cerebral palsy and I no longer have the help of his daddy to make his life amazing. His daddy can never be replaced. Laws need to be changed and diligence is of utmost importance. Please dive safely and follow safety guidelines as everyone on your crew are your brothers and their lives depend on you!"






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