The Commercial Diver Network
Titan takes freelance divers, but I think we've got to work on streamlining the communication between people looking for work and the office. Give us a few months and we'll get something up and running that can work for us all.
Congrats on your new placement with Titan Salvage Dan , hope the years to come work out for the best for yourself; as it is something most of us aspire to become.
Sadly TITAN is no more!
WTF is an assistant Salvage Master????? I have never heard of this title, is this a new Crowley thing? Hire some d***less wonder to work under Jimmy C and lets make bets on how long he lasts hahahahahaha~
Are you the one who will be interviewing the Assistant? Your not even a Salvage Team memeber and or Hard hat Salvage Diver. Not picking on you just stating facts~
Whats a hate statement? And make bets on me? Dude I know who you are so unless you want to be outted I suggest you not throw out internet threats.
I worked for TITAN for many years as a diver and supervisor, so if asking honest questions and making a honest statement relates to hate I would hate to live in your world. One of the problems in our profession are to many people who dont have the skills and experience worm in, so if a title of Assistant Salvage master is a job opening then question is who is interviewing and what are the requirments.
What are you now the PC police?
Hey Jermy hate statements is a generalization for negative comments like d***less wonder and taking bets,
PC police no just pointing out some negative comments and trying to stimulate some positive comments instead of negative ones. No one is perfect I'm sure not either. I was kind of suprised that assistant salvage master was a new term to you but no one can know it all. Salvage masters need all the help they can get.. we all learn a little more most everyday I know I sure do. good talking with ya Jermy..
Mr Parnell!
Quote: PC police no just pointing out some negative comments and trying to stimulate some positive comments instead of negative ones. No one is perfect I'm sure not either. I was kind of suprised that assistant salvage master was a new term to you but no one can know it all.
Well Mr Parnell since you have never met me and do not know me I would suggest you worry about your self and your comments. I have seen you bash solid Divers in the past and even make untrue remarks.
Now just by you making again another inept comment you show you are no less than a antagonist, the question is what it is. Far to many people who are not even qaulified for certain positions are interviewed by those that also do not have the said qaulifications and or experience.
Now knowing a little about Mr Dolson I can say he in not a Salvage Master and FYI we use Naval Architects, Salvage Matsers,Supervisors,Salvage Divers and Salvors, I can understand that you are not a Salvage anything so the confusion on your part is duely noted! And again this isn't about Mr Dolson so quit ass kissing.
This isn't a slam on any one, I for one do not want to work for a Assistant anything that hasn't the experience that we do. As far as D***less wonder? That was not directed at Mr Donaldson and since you do not know Jimmy Conroy you can bet they will will be reduced to being a d***less wonder when they f*** up!
Do your self a favor Mr Parnell quit acting as though you are some seasoned GOM/ International Diver/ Salvage Diver your not!!! Didn't you recently become unemployed (FIRED) because you padded or lied on your resume? You were @ mayport,was hired as a supervisor who couldnt supervise(Lack of knowlege and experience) was demoted to Diver/welder(Couldn't dive or weld) and then again demoted to tender???? My god man you couldn't even tend and were sent packing!
So my intital question fits the type of person you are. I am sure a very good Diver/Supervisor was over looked only because you talked a good game but again knowing Scott he dosen't even have experience to run and or hire qaulity people.
Our profession is filled with those who talk a good game, but only talk and in turn good divers are over looked! Way to f*** over a Diver Parnell or is it Worm?
Mr Parnell,
The comment I posted is acurate to the point sir,no slander,no misinformation and really isn't an attack. I have watched this forum and have friends I work with offshore and salvage here. You did indeed become unemployeed with Trustin because of the reasons I stated.
Rant? I believe you were the one coming out as the forum police in a attempt to set the rules about a subject where you were not even mentioned.
I retorted and simply gave you a ultimatuim and you chose to ignore it. All one has to do is read your posts from the last two years and they would know you are not an experienced and knowlegable diver from your comments and responses.
I have since spoken to people that have worked with you and yes they have the same view, I gained my recent knowlege from them. Time to find another profession and or begin collecting your SSI.
Your done, you are a never have been and never will be,and thats ok, a great many people want to be us yet also never shall be. If you are such a knowlegable all over Diver and or supervisor why are you not working with one of the Gulf companies and or medium to large salvage companies?
Because you are a fraud and a MKV tat on your boney arm dosen't make you a Diver,especially a GOM or Norsea badass. With that you all Fn stop the fraud old man before it gets really ugly.
Scuba diving in California in the 70's does not qaulify you as oilfeild trash hombre. That is all.
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