If anyone is interested I recently returned from a visit with Leon Lyons and had the honor and privilege of previewing his new book.  This book will be the Bible of diving helmets.  His first book was around 360 pages.  The new one is almost 2000 pages and will include many more photos and information about newer commercial diving equipment that has come on the scene since 1988.  He has had orders from overseas for 3 and 400 books and the total run will be 2000 with 200 leather bound copies.  They are going fast and there are only about 20 leather bound ones available now.  If anyone is interested they can be ordered through The Historical Diving Society or log on to Leon's web sight at helmetsofthedeep.com

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the first edition was fantastic and resale value is over $2K if you can find one.

The new one cost over $600.and it will be a limited edition so the value on it will increase.

Good investment and the best reference work on diving helmets there is.

but then again its only for those who want to increase there knowlege of diving.




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