Hi, I'm non-diver asking for a guy I know: He has the will, the features (+/- 6 ft, 87 kg), long experience in hobby diving (with snorkel going down 60 m +/- 180 ft), he goes with age (43) and does fitness and so on - BUT - working in construction business at land he suffered some accidents, having now pain in one leg, one shoulder and left hand (righthander). After paiment by assurance is going to stop, he's professionally in some kind of dead end, not wanting to get back to construction at land (because of hardness and unprofessionality there). So he wants to be a professional driver instead, loving to dive that little fish, liking work with serious, reliable people. And he thinks that under water the job some kind of smoothens because of pysical laws you know better then me. He made at land profesional cran driver, so he might specialize on that (only offshore ?), he's not really the fund-of-studiying type but the one learning-by-doing. He plans to be inland-diver, so do you think he might have any chance? I read the gender and the strengt or endurance discussion, but as I understood it's not quite the same with that guy I mean.


So thank you all who want to anser & happy mermaid kissing.


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Suggestion would be that he become a professional SCUBA instructor, that way he gets to dive and is not exposed to the extream hard work of the commercial diver.

Problem with existing conditions that cause pain is that it could mask the onset of a case of the bends.

Assume he has been graded a per cent of disability which will make employers stay clear for offshore work.

Thanks Fred

He does not really like instruction (lonely wolfe). He has no rent of disability, what makes it necessary to find a new job. Is professional scuba-diving "easier" than yours whit that air-pipeline?

Recreational SCUBA training is not as demanding as commercial diving work with surface supplied hose gear. The commercial diver must have training in construction trade with mechanical ability.

Your friend should discuss opportunities with a dive shop about training.

SCUBA should not be used in commercial diving unless you want a short life.

What are his skills in construction? and can they be used underwater that is a key item.

... GULP ... GOT YOUR POINT! CRANE-driver with joystick, standing beside - does that sound good?


Starting as a tender at 43 already having disabilities.  Probably wana look at a different career path than commercial diving.

LST, Sat tech maybe


I've known guys that recovered from major injuries and pa**** a Serio physical, so I hate to say no about the physical question without more info.  Best to go get a SERIOUS COMMERCIAL diving physical before making any big moves.  43 is real late to start out, most are Supervisors by 43.  He would be taking orders from someone 23...that doesn't sit well with an adult.  Lastly, the equipment is heavy and geting in and out of the water can kick your ass and might aggravate an old injury (I personally know about this one).  So here's my two cents, NO.  Maybe ROV, Sat Tech., Equipment Tech.  a good crane operator is always needed somewhere.
Thanks to all very much. You are really kind to outsiders. Wish you the best.


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