Three Questions


1) What was the Diver and the Dive Supervisor Burning Skills Training & Burning Safety Training?

2) What Venting procedures were used.

3) What type of machine, DC Generator or AC to DC Rectifier, what Type of rod and torch were being used?


Marc Begnaud died Burning using AC/DC Rectifier it was listed as a Welding Death.


The last time I know of a torch blowing up in a Divers hand. They were using an AC/DC Rectifier. It NEVER came up in the court case.


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Excellent info John this should be taught in these "Schools" around the country. You would'nt believe how many "Welders" (ages 18 - 25 ) that I argued with about burning and welding differences at the school I attended last year. (Yes at 44 I went back to school - to see first hand what was being taught to these kids) What an experience!

  John my name is Kevin Begnaud, the brother of Marc, I came across the forum and you were asking some questions about his accident, would be happy to answer any question that I can.  I also have some questions that I am sure you or someone on the forum can address.    The family was told it was a "pop" from  gases that acc**ulated at the top of the well piping. Does this sound correct?  As far as the type of torch he was using  we were not told and did not know to ask.  If anyone has any info that you think  we the family would like to know please reply. 

  It has been several years since we lost Marc and it is sad to see by the names and dates that divers are still getting killed and or hurt doing the same job he was.  Marc always talked highly of the divers and tenders he worked with.  I know he loved his job and talked about being a diver from the time Marc and myself took scuba cla**** in 1982.  So by safe. 



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