New, never been used.

$ 6,999.00 CDN (taxes included)

Shipping cost TBD


Comes with:

Marshmarine Communications upgrade



Carrying Case


Looking for good home


Please contact, John at

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I sold mine too and bought a gorski

How do you like your Gorski? Any issues with it that you've discovered? I know that this guy has pissed Bev Morgan off. LOL!


P*****g Bev Morgan off has nothing to do with the quality of a helmet.

Helmets have to stand on there own merits and if you can work productive in it.

The Gorski is a fine helmet and its metal which means it will out live you.

Tupper wear will break. But it also has its place but it will not bounce when the red hat drops it on a steel deck.

The Gorski will last your diving career, and who ever dives it after you. Or you can hang it in a bar and use as a bell to ring for last call.

Minimum maintenace costs is what you have to look at in all diving gear.

Example my helmet maintenace cost total $111.00 max. and thats over 74 years of use.

Fred, I appreciate your comments, however I'm not supporting Bev's attitude. He has floors of Lawyers doing nothing but sueing Hat makers for Copy right infringement. I know that he has been a pain in the ass to the maker of the Gorski. The human head has a fixed shape, therefore all hats will, and do, eventually look the same. I would love to dive a Gorski. John
Hey John I really like my Gorski and like it even more now that I have added the new latching system you can view it under the heading of Groups scroll down to "Gorski hats".


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