Old School Divers

For working divers who have paid their dues to the industry. Offshore and Inland. Need to have 25 years plus please.
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  • Albert Aleong

    I started diving in 1967 in Trinidad,in 1970 went to Panama with Oceaneering on the first 660 Perry 660 roll over system, that is when I started gas diving.I went back to Trinidad working on the same system on the Marina 1. I then went to Brazil working on the zephyr 2 on a Perry 1000 sat roll over system.
    In 1980 I started working with Solus Ocean System as a supervisor on a 1000 foot sat system in Venezuela, when this job was done I went into mining,and I mined for 20 years. I trying to get back into the diving industry as a client rep I also looking to contact old friends that I have worked with in the industry,they could contact me at albert@amlgold.biz.
    The Industry have changed, I don't know if it is for the best, but it have put people like me who pioneer gas and bell diving cant get work and when you try to get certify it almost imposable
  • A.. Parnell

    Who knows when and where E.R. Cross made his first helmet dive?
    Please be exact to area of the World and exact location.
  • Tony Nunez

    who knows divers from Divers Training Academy, Linkport Fl?