ok i use an 18band mask.

but i am getting into a number of situations were a proper hat would be the right way to go for all the right reasons.

take into account ease of use fitting, comfort,etc.

so what is the best that you have used for all of the above.

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Buy a Superlite 17K thats the best i have been diving with. You have to think about all the ear infections you gonna have in a Band mask. But like everything else its up to the person that is going to Have the hat on his head, Cheers mate //Henke
Henrik Persson said:
Buy a Superlite 17K thats the best i have been diving with. You have to think about all the ear infections you gonna have in a Band mask. But like everything else its up to the person that is going to Have the hat on his head, Cheers mate //Henke

yes i understand that after 30yrs playing.
but i am told its an old hat and thats why i am asking as i don't know which way to go i.e. spend more more£££ and get a ????
Use Several different hats.

Borrow and or Rent{in the long run it will save You money from a bad decision]

Use before You commit to a purchase.


great idea, but,this is one of gib's short falls there is no one near that i could do that with.

it looks like a chicken and egg thing.

so, if you have time give me a run down on the hats you have used and tell me the bad the bad etc.

of each

steve h
It all depends on what you like, if your not in a rush to buy a hat try as many as you can and make your own decision, that's what counts. Some people like kirby morgan some like miller some like gorskie and so on. There all good hats it depends on you. I love my SL 57 but thats me. Take your time be for you spend a lot of money on something you don't like. DIVE SAFE
Check out the HeavyMetalDivers "Gladiator" diving helmets. See www.heavymetaldivers.com for pics and info. Gashat - $5500 new and Airhat - $4500 new and upgradable to gashat at owners convienience.
Go for a Proteus or Genisis by SUBTECH SYSTEMS UK I been using them for 5+ yrs awsome, lead time for a new hat only 5 weeks and cheeper than the Kirby range and I get spares out to Africa in 24hrs,
thanks for this i will have a look and see whats what!!!!!

steve h
steve good one mate get hold of Lisa at sales@subtechsystems.co.uk they also make a great bandmask the Omega dive safe
i personally hate the genesis and omega products the regulator sucks and the shell doesnt fit my head.

i prefer in this order:

KM 27
KM 17b
Miller 400
skylar I have used both with a team of 8, all shapes of heads big and small and Iam not a small bloke, the Omega can be a problem with an oversized pip but the Genesis IS A BEAUT. Larger shell than the 27 but each to his own. I sold off all my Kirby's from my spread and havent looked back.
why in this order.

steve h


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