We Have an Ally in the CFR process that many have been un aware of.

Divers, in regard to all the hot headed wonder about the up comming CFR submittal. We do not agree on alot of the information contaied in the consences.

This is well known but what we have all been un aware of, (Most of us) is that we have a direct line of input to the Coast Guard office responsible for writing the CFR's.


For those who have been  wasting time praying tat you would be heard by the ADC by answering the review questions on the Underwater Web site - stop wasting tme.

We know for a fact that our input, is usually ignored.

I had th privlage of speaking wth the Coast Guard team Commander who writes them.

There is a period where new directives are "OPEN FOR COMMENT" .


Here's pretty much how it works.;


1.The Coast Guard looks to the industry for input and comments on the new regulations.

   a. the ADC is going to submit this package we hve been reviewing.


2. THe Coast Gurad will review and select the things in it that compliment or increase the safety level of a process write a ddraft and open it for comment.

 a.the ADCwill not inform you of this

b. the OPEN FOR COMMENT period is open to ALL stakeholders in the industry - ESPECIALLY THOSE AFFECTED BY THE REGULAATIONS (MEANING US!!!!!)

c. the regulation modification is based on input from EVERYONE,


3. THE USCG analyses (sorry my spelling sucks my eyes are worn out) the comments (like a tally), and modifies the regulation according to the opinions and concerns of th stake holders.


a. ie adc 1 comment     vs. the divers men and women effected by the regulations. the higher tally usually sugests a need to investigate and ask more questions or increase the level of rule to insure thsafety of the "Public" (US).

LAter today I will have information that will involve all of you, your comments are to GOvernment officials, and not subject to review by theADC or any other self proclaimed "GOVERNING BODY".

I will be on later with more information



An open door can only yield reward if you open and enter....

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Send an email with this list and explain why it is important to you.
I emailed both gentlemen this morning. I agree if we say nothing we have no one to blame but ourselves
I believe you guys got a letter like this back from Commander Patrick W. Clark stating
That while this is helpful he would advise sending all concerns to http//www.regulations.gov.
Regulatory docket for Commercial Diving Regulations regulatory update USCG-1998-3786
"Doing this will enable the CG to formally consider each comment as we move forward with this rule making"
And it went on to say that it was by law every mail they got in this fashion(also gave fax number and physical address) would be addressed by the board and that this way you would be placed on the list to be notified of the open comment period. IE sending it to them is a great suggestion but if you want it to be counted we have got to send it to these guys.
If you like I will post the letter
Send a copy to Mr Mannion, Cmdr Clark , OSHA, and (to your senator requesting that the educational and administrative process be reviewed). These matters need to be brought up infront of Navy and Osha, the Government regulatory committees that we pay to protect us. YOu can also suggest a minimum Wage for tenders and a base wage for doc**ented proven divers ($2.00 below union scale is more than fair).
Great work on this Jerry! How can cDiver.net best help out with this?
Thanks Adam, Im just doing my part. Every Diver has t get on board with this. Te doc**ent the ADC wants us to comment on is theirs NOT the Coast Guards. I verified this when I spoke with Commander Clark. The reason- Simple if they doctor up their proposal it counts as an INDUSTRY Agreement. We as a wh*** DO NOT agree with their red bok in the first place and they arent helping where it hurts Our Pay and Black Balling Divers that speak against them. In additionour vote counts against them whee the coast guard is concerned. We are wasting time beating a dead horse. THis business can only change if we participate. Every comment divers make will be reviewed and considered for ammendment,inclusion or exclusion what ever the case may be. BUT they have to send their ideas straight to Commander Clark and or Mr Mannion. I opened th door, but I am not the leader,Im just a dier who is sitting on the beach because my balls and mouth are bigger than my brain!! I dont fear anythng, or anyone. THe best partabout sending comments to the coast guard is that no one other than Clark or Mannion will ever know about or wht you send. But you will be contacted directly and individually (to insure secrecy ) when the Real Draft comes out for review. THe one on the Underwater site is NOT the Draft put out by the Coast Guard theirs is the only one that matters. Write, and call, get on their e-mail list and stay informed. There are alot of good assocition companies noone goeinto business to starve the men and women feeding them. But the bigg bys have used their certs and SAFETY Program to sarve out Real Divers who in some cases taught the current administration what they learned a tenders. Remember POWER CORRUPTS, Absoloutly...THe ADC has out grown its usefulness, by lying and hiding informatio from divers, and Speaking for people who are starving because of their actions...
It is new day brothers and sisters...
Stop Crying the ADC is dying, Start Calling the USCG and sperad the word to every diver you know Adam. Real honest businesses will prosper because they remember who puts meat on their tables, greed driven businesses will dry up and go away because the tide has turned.
I knowwe are being monitored, so what. Real men and women will speak not whine. Thats why you guys have given us this site to gripe on.
SO thanks to you and your team Adam,
Spread the word call and e-mail
One more thing; the educational changes must be addressed by Congressional reps Civilians donot have the ability or authority to interperate Military Tables proceedures and or situational proceedures.
Ask your congressman to request a review of the current educational process. We dive military tables, the Military should descide the minimum qualification for a diver. Sorry tenders this was the was it used t be until the ADC started giving away ID cards at $20,000 a pop. Current courses do not qualify anyone as a diver, only experience does. Divers call write and email your congressmen/women.


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