Hey Guy's

Just thought I would open a thread which people can post on and offer tips for new divers!

As many of you may remember, it was not the easiest time getting into the industry and the first few jobs being the hardest!

Offer up some POSITIVE suggestions.

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Doug yea keep it basic until you have a solid offer for employment sending your personal info like SS#'s, drivers license #'s and passports just open the door for identity theft. I would just when asked after an offer send a zerox copy of passport.
Hi All,

I've found all of the information here really useful. It's good to find an online community, actually willing to share thier knowledge and experience of the industry.
Thanks for your reply Mike, I think the school of hard knocks is a dying realm here in Aus too! A shame really, as I've always found the best learning is on the job, complimented with some theory time in the classroom. It takes a few years here to be considered for police diving or search and rescue, having to be a "regular" policeman first. I am also fairly hesitant to apply for any sort of militant organisation, for reasons not suited to this discussion. I hear the training is good though...
Steve, I'm glad there are still people around, that will hire on the basis of Honety, Reliability and Common Sense. Without these things as a foundation, it is only in my humble opinion, that an employer is asking for trouble.

I have recently read a report here in Aus, about the state of the maritime industry; an ageing workforce, people shifting industries etc. So if anyone out there is looking in this direction, Australia may be a good place to look!
Its tough to get on that train unless you are an Australian citizen. Been there done that. cheers-bill
COR!? TRAIN !!!!There lucky we don’t have a train to jump on they took ours out just after WW11.

Sorry I had to get that in .
So I suppose that will be another slap for me then aye!!!

Steve h
Not when they have a train stop like 'Packinham Upper'
Have you gotten anywhere with your job hunt in Aust??
I start my school in April at LTC, Morgan City, La (3 weeks =) Ive actually been waiting for this since 04 when I was SCUBA cert and saw an ad in a dive magazine. I was already a 4th gen welder and proud of it but the thought of being, what I believe, the most elite at what I do struck a drive in me and hasnt let go. My wife wasnt as pleased with the idea at the time (safety etc...) and literally took some years to get on board with me. I was a welding/fabrication shop sup and at 33 years old have most things construction related in my skill set that I am relying on helping me being valuable and marketable, not to mention keeping fit, stopped smoking after 21 years and have gained 37 lbs of muscle from weight training in a little over a year anything to get a slight edge I have been dedicated to. I had to agree with the wife to work inland or inland/offshore so I would have some home time as well, oh btw I was told this week that the LTC tuiton is now free to attend
Rick, you are a great candidate with lousey timing. It's a rotten time to get started work wise. Inland contracts are thin on the ground due to the economy. Most diving work inland is infrastructure-not a lot being done - governments are trying to cut back on everything. The private sector projects are on hold. good luck
a good tip for you fngs is you got two eyes two ears and one mouth so u should look and listen twice as much as you talk


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