The Divers Association is a Nonprofit International Organisation

Mission Statement

"The Divers Association is a Nonprofit International Organisation formed for the sole purpose of promoting commercial diving safety through regulation and education.

It is not Anti, or Pro any Diving Contractor Association or Union. It will not involve itself in pay or employment issues.

The sole purpose of The Divers Association is to work closely with Regulatory Bodies and groups involved in defining and implementing standards of Diver Safety, and in educating Customers who contract diving services. It will offer a means for input from independent working divers and supervisors who are currently involved in diving operations.

The Divers Association will cooperate with all groups that have the goal of improving diver safety".


The Interim Board of Directors is in place. We have a well respected individual of vast experience, diver/management, and integrity advising us and working with our lawyer so this is done correctly.
There is also a group of men that helped build this business, that many of us came up under, who will recognize the Association and the need for it: IF this is done properly.

At this time the following groups: The Coast Guard, OSHA, IMCA, ADCI, OGP, Trade Unions here and overseas all have received the basic mission statement. I didn’t list HSE because they are not part of what I was tasked with. I do know that it's in the works or done.When all legal hurdles are crossed we will ask those groups to be reconized.

I will assure that I am following the above mentioned individual advice to a T. The Association web page is being built, the logo is being designed. There is a Facebook presents as well.

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Local Union #454 the Wharf and Dock Builders, Pile Drivers and Divers of Philadelphia and Vicinity of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America supports this effort and looks forward to becoming an official member of this Association.

Thanks David your Local has been a lot of help in diver safety. You are the first I ever heard of that built a Training Tank for it Divers.


You can count on me to help you out any way I can. sign me up.

Diver safety must be number one issue.

Thanks Fred Making sure the proper Legal Frame work is in place I believe is the most importent step to get right. Divers old and new know this needs doing.  Will keep all posted.


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