Hello all, I have just made the decision to try and become a commercial diver. I have been diving before on a recreational basis before. I'm currently in the U.S. Navy and still have a brief ammount of time left on my contract. There are several options out there for schools, but I am kind of looking for a bit of input from people with experiance on the matter. Eventually I would like to work back home (Alaska) preferably offshore for one of the oil companys. Any tips? 

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Stay in the Navy and switch over to the SeaBees.  Let them pay you to train you.  When you're done with your commitment you can enter the commercial world with proper experience, training, and no debt.

im alresdy in the seabees. its not so good anymore. the advancement it 0.00 percent. i thought  about going to under water conctruction teams but my track record is not exactly perfect. i like to work hard and play hard. the new navy does not like the play hard part...


Then go to DIT in Seattle.  That put's you in the Pacific NW and you can get your HSE part 1.  It's a good school, most from there are well trained and prepared for the work.

Thats the school i have been looking at most. I have just heard very little about it. Thanks for the advice bro.


I have also been thinking of going to college to get a civil engineering degree. Just trying to make myself more marketable. what do you think?


I worked at an CE firm that had a diving side.  Even though we had a couple CEs that could dive, they mostly did the engineering work and didn't see the water much.  They didn't get paid any more for diving, but yes it did make them "marketable" for the company.  


If you're smart enough and have the funds to get a CE, go that course.  Commercial diving is cyclic and you never know when your next dive is your last.  

The money is awesome. job security, thats a good plus too. I want to dive though. I have known that for a long time. i have always been up in the air about becomeing a recreational diving instructor, or a commercial diver. the time is nearing and i need a plan so i picked commercial diving. it will keep me closer to home with any luck. if not i have already spent the last 4 years moving around and still have another to go. though from the sounds of everything im reading here, work is pretty scarce

as far as funding goes im just working off the g.i. bill right now. that will pay for the dive school and some college, plus the credits i have in rate go towards a CE degree, or atleast a construction management.

thanks for your input man, it's really helping me out. glad your taking the time to BS with me a bit.


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