New or soon to be dive school graduates: Coming to the GOM.

Gotta just say i have noticed a definite turn in the outlook of this industry over the last year. The new constuction and drilling has tapered way off. although jobs like platform removal, P&A's, Inspections, and emergency response (such as leaking p/l's and work requiring a diver to continue different projects) will not grind to a halt any time soon. Never will as long as oil is king. But with the previous hurricanes inflating the industry (hurricane babies) leaving a large # of younger newer divers just at the start of their careers. I was just wondering what the dive company pitchmen / recruiters were promising as break out time frames, work availability, pay, incentives, and so forth.... I guess i kinda wonder how the dive schools are painting the industry and it's prospects also? I'm not saying it's dead or anything I just think that the boom has past and the reality is begining to set in - kinda think i was lucky to get in when i did (In the time of stand-by pay all winter long haha the good ol days) Guess what I'm asking is r u new bloods getting a rosy picture painted for u or r there any straight shooters in your schools or potential employers that r telling u that the is industry has throttled back? and some lean times lay ahead.

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Well, I graduated from the Ocean Corp in November and they were pretty up front about how the work comes and goes, but the recruiters were pretty full of it, saying everything we were eager to hear. We were promised all kinds of work when we got out and came to find out, uh...negative.
when work is slow, companies don't hire...they keep the ones they do have busy. when work picks up, they'll start hiring again.
i just graduated from seneca college in Canada last june. the beginning of our schooling we were told stories of a starving industry that was screaming for divers, and slowly as the year went on we were eventually told more and more about how slow it was. finaly by the end of the year we were treated with the harsh reality that a lot of us were about to not have jobs. i understand from a buisness/schooling point of view it is important to make the students beleive they are there for a good reason, but i think being blunt with us right away would have been more noble and far helpfull as we could have started looking for jobs earler, realized what we were getting into and make decisions that would help us out. instead of just leading us on to beleive we had nothing to worry about

Hey Daniel,

not sure if your still active on this forum, but I thought I would pick your brain if you have the time. I have decided to switch my career path, coming from an extensive business background working for corporate America..........(well, Bahamas really -where I'm from), but how did you fair when you graduated? Did you find work right away? Is there anything you can give me in terms of advice that I can use to maybe separate myself from the other graduates? Any help is greatly appreciated.

WHATS UP GUYS, well I own a dive company and I grew up in this industry I've seen it good and far as the work load goes< if your hungry enough you'll find it. work is so dead on the west coast for inland diving and I work in the gom as well. contracts are being changed and or put on hold. from what I hear the gom is very very bad this year, I was out most of last year and it was good,anyway as far as the schools and what picture there painting, I'm not going to say what school but I used to go and speak to prospective students alot at the schools request to tell them about the world we live in. and due to the fact that I wouldnt suger coat it and would tell them just what there in for
well the school hated the honesty and tried to get me to sell this life to them when I refused to bs them they asked that we dont come back.
i get calls every day from go broke university students(collage of overspending and b*******) looking for work and when i tell them who is possibly looking and who isnt the first question out of there mouth is why didnt the school just be strait with us....its money bottom line you pay them to tell you what you want to hear and train you in a career that 9 out of 10 of you will never even get in.
Welcome to life. Have you ever gone to a used car lot and the salesman told you what was wrong with the car. We live in a capitalist country [ greed ] where the capitalist [ greedy ] are in charge. I remember when auto insurance was not required and then the capitalists [ greedy ] decided that everyone needed it and told the public [ sheep ] that by requiring everyone that had a car to get insurance would actually lower premiums [ they lied ]. Now just last night our new president [ big bad wolf ] said that health insurance would be required of everyone and this would help lower premiums [ where have I heard that before ]. Word of advice - keep your eyes and ears open and your guns loaded.
Obviously, I am not in the industry yet, but this is something I have learned from the life I have lived (39 years)-7 as an Army Ranger) Life is geology-given enough time and pressure all things will break. Press and don't let up and you will win, always. Be hard, Dive safe
so what you're saying Anthony is that if i keep on asking liz vaz to marry me she will eventually drop the protective order against me and go along with it if for no other reason than simple geology? thanks for the inspiration bro! :)
Basically, but always remember rocks aint always rocks. diamonds are harder to break than soapstone, N BTW Liz is a diamond.
lluv ya liz
Too late Ethan, Liz is mine, lol. Has been for a while
Well I'm in the middle of Divers Academy International (it used to be Divers Academy of the Eastern Seaboard) in NJ, and so far I have to admit that I've been a bit disappointed with what I was promised and what I'm actually seeing. The diving aspect never gets old, and I still get that same old adrenaline rush when I put a hat on and get ready to descend, but sometimes I feel like our instructors are just telling us what we want to hear. As far as break out time, we were told 6 months to a year. as far as pay, we were told 40 to 60 grand as tenders per year average, and if we ask what dive pay is like, we always hear, "Oh, Idk your paycheck will always be a different amount for different reasons, blah blah blah". It has definitely been portrayed as a way to make a fortune, and as someone who has fallen for get rich quick schemes when I was younger, I have an all-too-familiar taste in my mouth that makes me nervous sometimes. We've been told there are bonuses, hat financing through your employer, etc.

Let me make one thing clear though: No one. and I mean no one at all outside of this forum, has whispered a word about the industry throttling back. They paint it like its a big, fancy, rockstar lifestyle. I think the realists in the program all realize it's not going to be exactly what they are making it out to be, but at the same time, all the people with the real accurate info aren't teaching, they're doing.

Long story short, I love diving. When I started this program, I found my calling. I was a welder by trade and always wanted to try underwater welding, now I'm doing it everyday and plenty of other cool stuff that I never saw myself doing in a million years. I don't care if I make a million dollars or lose a million trying to make this profession work, I've found something I love and i'll be doing it until I die.

And to those of you out there like R. Hood who write articles and give REAL advice like this column did, you guys are the REAL teachers. Because anyone of you could explain decompression, S.I.T., the finer points of welding and burning, and inspection to me, but apparantly only you guys will tell me the truth about the job after the lesson is over. I really appreciate the posting. Keep up the good work.


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