National University has a fully accredited Commercial Dive School!

I am an instructor at National University and am here to answer questions and raise awareness of our Commercial Dive Program!

Did you know that National University Polytechnic Institute has a fully accredited Commercial Dive Program?  With their certifications you will be able to step into an exciting career in the commercial diving industry! The Commercial Diving Program, offers two specialties for you to choose from focusing on either Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine (DMT) or Underwater Inspection Technology (NDT).  Regardless of which specialty you choose, all students are trained to the American Welding Society's underwater welding code (AWS).  Also, since National University is a regionally accredited institution; your credits will hold academic weight for use at other institutions. This also provides our students with the ability to receive the full amount of Veteran’s and Federal Financial Aid benefits that they qualify for.  All questions can be answered by calling the toll free number, (800) 432-3483.  If after hours, please leave a message and they will get back to you.

I will try to field as many questions as I can on here also!  Let em fly!

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Hello Spunbrass,

My apologies, I overlooked your last paragraph on this post.  Allow me to speak to that:

We are located in beautiful San Diego!  NUPI does not have dorms, but there are there are many affordable accommodations as we are surrounded by multiple Colleges and Universities.  

Regarding job placement and part time employment:

National University's Career Services Department assists our students in resume writing, interview skills, and has a job website where companies go to look for our graduates.  Some of our students do choose to work part time while attending our program, but that is a decision the student will have to weigh against their academic and time management abilities. 

Thank you for the inquires,  


So the last question I have after reading all of you information is, are you IMCA recognized? Are you all DCBC qualified?  What offshore survival training do you do? and what kind of HAZMAT certifications do you offer?  and any kind of rigging work?  Im about to start school and from what I have read and the people I have talked to without these you are pretty much worthless as a new hire for any company.

Hello Eric,

National University Polytechnic Institute (NUPI) conducts thorough market analysis as well as quarterly curriculum review to ensure its Commercial Diving Program provides accurate, consistent, and relevant training that exceeds industry standards.  With that being said, NUPI has concluded that the ADCI, ACDE, CPR, and Forklift Operator certifications are the current industry standards needed to be employed as an entry level Commercial Diver.  ACDE offers both an accreditation and a certification.  Graduates can work anywhere that the Association of Diving Contractors International (ACDI) regulates diving operations.  NUPI has also concluded that the addition of both the NBDHMT DMT specialty (with a full EMT certificate) and the ASNT NDT Level 1 and 2 UT, MT, PT, and VT certificates, make the graduates that much more valuable to the industry.  NUPI teaches basic rigging, but cannot venture into discussion on the lack or benefit of obtaining extra certificates, including international or hazmat.  NUPI does encourage you to identify your goals, do research, and move forward from there. As stated previously, the Dive School has been producing quality graduates for well over 40 years.  This forum is a platform to create awareness of the program and to answer questions regarding it, and Commercial Diving as a wh***.  NUPI does not defame competition.  

I encourage you to investigate us further @



The good ole Desco pot.  Great hat, just find it gives me a headache after an hours use due to shape of my head.  If you guys want one of my hats for your school I will give you good discount on airhat, gashat or both.   Sorry, don't have airhat pics yet for Gen-3 upgrades


Hi Martin,

That is a nice helmet!  We appreciate the offer, but we have all the equipment that we need at the moment.  We will keep you in mind when it comes time for replacement.

Thank You,


why would you want to replace helmets?  any dive school should have every type of helmet in use for the proper education of their students since that should be part of their curriculum.

When I went to dive school at CDC / Collage of Oceaneering / National Polytechnic Collage of ***** in 1981 we had cla**** on use, maintenance, and repair of Mk-5s, KM17s, KMB-10, Descos, Millers, Savoies, Aquadines, ect.  A diver needs to know what fits him the best and what is best suited for him and the task at hand.  Your school is headed in the right direction but needs more helmets than just KMs and a Desco.  I would suggest not posting that Interspiro scuba mask in your advertisement.  You don't need to give Flynn anymore ammo.

Ok let met get this straight.  You say the school is over 40 yrs old. I just saw the list of IMCA recognized schools and yours is on it. However the CDC/Collage of Oceaneering/National Polytechnic Collage of Oceaneering and Science is not but when I went to their website it refers me to your school "National University Polytechnic Institute".  Is this the CDC school renamed and moved which is why you claim 40yrs training divers?  Also if it is a continuation of CDC does that make my certs IMCA recognized?

Hello Martin,

Let me do some research on that and I will get you an informed and accurate answer.


Heyyy Cisco,  still waiting on that info on the IMCA recognition?  Can your school replace my wallet size diploma / cert. since it is a continuation of CDC/Collage of Oceaneering?

Hello Martin,

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