Lobbying OSHA and the Coast Guard for a minimum 5 person dive crew!

Lobby{write, email and follow up phone call] OSHA and the Coast Guard for a minimum 5 person dive crew!

Minimum Personnel Requirements Shall be:

• 1 Diving Supervisor
• 1 Diver{Working]
• 1 Tender who will tend ONLY the working Diver
• 1 Stand By Diver, dressed, equipped and ready to enter
• 1 Tender who will tend ONLY the Stand By Diver


The Lead Developer for writing the new regs and changes ( recommended, required, requested) is Mr. Patric Mannion, e-mail address;


direct line contact 202-372-1439

The Gentleman in Charge is Commander Patrick W. Clark
, e-mail address;


direct line contact 202-372-1410

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I believe a 6 person would be the best for safety. What was posted above with the addition of a designated rack operator.
We each need to send e-mails to Pat Mannion, and Commander Pat Clark one joint e-mail or two seperate e--mails, the reason being you will be added to a secured list so that you can be notified when actual draft reviews (NOT THE DRAFT the ADC wants the Coast Guard to think we all agree on).Each e-mail counts as an opinion for or against an issue. Here is where each man and woman in this business has a voice that will be heard, without fear of retribution or retaliation. THe more comments they get on a subject or multiple subjects, the more wood they have in the stove to cook up rules that we as divers (not just the ADC) think and know from experience are safe. My biggest issue is to remove the word Diver from any graduate cert card (sorry rookies, some of you are great divers- most are accidents waiting to happen) and issue a divers card when the supervisor and the team feel that the rookie has earned his bones. Dive school graduation does not make one a diver, skill does. Another issue is the crew size USCG regs verbage describe a 5 man team this is what most of us want. THe ADC wants 3 to cut cost - a divers life has no dollar value. You each are invaluable from the youngest rookie to the saltiest Vet. One other issue was to take authority to say who is or is not qualified away from the ADC and give it to the NEDU or the Coast Guard Military standards and support are much safer and more reliable. We dive Navy tables, we should answer to the navy and or USCG, not a board of execs whos first page in the consencus absolves tham of blame if a rookie dies under their flag....
You guys wanted someone to stick their neck in the rope, so I did it for each of you.
My 20 + years in this business farexceed the minimum requirements on the card in my pocket. I have earned far in excess of $500 a day in the water and on deck for what I know. and Ill be damned if Im going to sit and watch our firld and our craft die by letting someone else speak for me when an ear is begging for my opinion. To many have died because no one ( especially the ones who control the craft right now) want to set a standard and then not be held to account when we bleed or die.
I know this site is monitored by big brother, who cares. Its your life and your childrens future - the coast guard will not discuss comments submitted with anyone other than the Reg board, so who ever writes these guys are protected under federal law. If anyone loses their job for making comments about these posts on this or any other site for commenting call me immediately !!!
Cow Boy UP crew. I did it for you. (Now after my card is revoked...... Please note I wash windows and detail cars real cheap!!LOL)
Fair winds All
Call your congressmen better yet put it in writing and mail it to everyone in your government chain of command from the secretaries to the State and COngressional reps. It works So far only one Senator is involved Get yours involved.


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