Just so everyone one here knows, when ever I use the word "Yankee", I'm referring to United States citizens who are from the north.  Chicago, east coast, etc.  The people who are against the stars and bars...  peace

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i say god bless the south!good s*** ,people,food,drinks,
like another planet?
the south !i love it its a mix of all friggin love it, not like the north, not like the caribbean,not like s-america its a mix off all,beautifull the swamps,man i just love it.
You know what a "Damn Yankee" is...a Yankee that goes south for a visit and stays.
Like they say, everythings bigger in Texas....

Did I spell that good enough for you Englis majors?
This joke coming from a place where tipping is the custom.

Do you know the diffrence between a canoe and a Canadian ? The canoe tips.

Sorry Canoks but it is funny.
alright I cant let this thread go one without a canadian joke making an apperence!

Q: Whats having sex in a canoe and american beers have in common ??
A: Its f***ing close to water!

No wonder so many americans become divers, you boys probably get gills from drinking that swill

Bro, don't you know the history of Anheiseur-Busch? Germans bro, take the tour in St Louis...

I prefer dark beers and microbrews: Guiness, Rogue, Widmer, Pyrimid, Arrogant bastard, any beer you get with a cork, and any light beer on a hot day with ice...
Shiner Bock and San Miguel Dark are my favorites. SalvaVida dark is good too.
Cold and free are best..my favourite is the next one.....
I like my beer like I like my p****, all colors and variation are acceptable
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