Hey guys new member here from the Seattle area(Gig Harbor), thinking of getting in to the industry. First of all I have dive exp. here in the sound, 3 years of commercial fishing exp in Bristol Bay, and 6 years of heavy construction work. So the hard work and being away from my wife and kid are not new to me and the water is something I love to be near, in, on, or around. I have been investigating DIT and it seems like the program for me. My issue 22 large is a big hunk of change to shell out for a career that might not be waiting for me. My current job as a Union Marble Mason will be with me no matter what, I'm vested in my union and have already built up a small pension, and will continue to stay in good standing. I just wanted to hear from some of you guys that have been around for a while, and can read the waters so to speak. As far as inland or offshore I don't care I will follow the money. Thanks guys, please no flaming or bullsh!t.

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Don't everyone speak at once.
You can take the overwhelming response one of two ways:
Either we're all too busy working, of we're tired of answering the same question over and over to every prospective dive school student.
You might try reading through some of the older threads or use the search function.
Ask Flynn but The real truth you dont really want to know the real truth most wont believe it anyway.
Flynn I was not throwing you under the bus just quite the opposit as I just felt you could and do a much more eleoquent job of explaining the facts to the wanta bees. You have a special seasoned tone that they need to hear besides I am sick in tired of the same old unresearched questions from those who dont take the time to read the past posts of what its all about.
Flynn, what's wrong with the Camden school?
The market if flooded with wanna-be's. DIT is a good school, but for the money I'd suggest Young Memorial in Morgan City, LA. You'll get what you need to start in the industry and you'll have been in the bowels of the GOM offshore industry. Most can't make a living in the PNW until they've cut there teeth in the GOM.

Now about the $. Tenders are making 15 to 22 and hour. That can make a good paycheck if you're on a long term job with plenty of OT. But jobs are few and far between right now and most pups are struggling to make the bills.

Equipment is also a big expense, plus you'll need reliable transportation. Can you pass a dive physical? Can you get a TWIC card? Will a hair follicil drug screen keep you from getting hired?

If you got a good job, don't risk it. Stay where you're at.
Thanks for the info guys. I've been mulling this over for quite sometime and have come to the conclusion that it would not be responsible of me to pull 22,000 bucks out of my savings in this hairy of an economy. I have a wife and a child to think of. That is something that bothers me about people, irresponsibility. If I listened to all the bs I was told at DIT I would have signed up right away, but after reading some of the threads on here and other places I thought I would ask again and I appreciate the responses.
wow A plus a man who listens and loves his family. Since your close to Seattle if you happen to chose to come to the Historical (HDSUSA) Diving Society USA rally next month I would like to meet you.
most guys are full of piss and vinegar and don't care a damn about the advice...they made up there mind and are gonna dive in FACE first. Us old guys step down the ladder and take our sweet ass time. The old saying holds true...There are bold divers, and there are old divers, but there are no old bold divers. RIP Bob Boles, the next bud is on me.
I like the way they so willingly give away $23K when the one in Louisiana is so cheap along with that one in Minnesota and in what 8 to 11 wks and ya done. Do the math How hard is that ?
With the work picture the way it is now I would suggest you continue to play Marbles.
For Schools I would suggest Santa Barbara City College or Young Memorial.
The rest are puppy mills.


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