graduated on friday, moved to louisiana over the wkend and was on payroll monday. spent 4 days filling out paperwork, getting the physical and watching videos. went offshore on friday.
Interesting. I'm driving to do my offshore survival myself next week. Following week going to take a road trip with my paperwork to most of the offices. Heard it's alot better to show up in person. Emails,phone calls aren't really working.
i drove from houston to morgan city, la where the cal dive office used to about 2 weeks before i graduated to hire on. they told me it's a done deal and to just show up after graduation.
I was actually working while in school, cleaning hulls and changing zincs. The key to a good Job is to make a good name for yourself. The big companies will make you another number in a second from what i have heard. If you went to an ADCI recognized school your chances are alot better at employment quickly.