hey guys from perth western australia

looking for some information on commercial diving game  in aus

 if any one can help us out will be much appreciated

kind regards


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Gday Danno,


Best start with the info that your after first mate.


0hey thanks for reply

its mainly the work situation
like is it fly in fly out
do u work over seas much or is alot of work in aus
is much work in australia i know we have big gas projects and what not popping up all the time
can u do one corse and do gain employment and work your way onto the rest to gain more experience or is it better to go all out do em all at once
i have a building trade back ground and im tall and strong will this be an advantage
thanks for the help
regards danno

So your looking to get into the industry,


Everyone on this site will tell you the same thing, that comm diving is not really about doing the job but finding the continous work. Australia has alot of opportunities for divers especially the west coast and the upcoming oil industry in the east in the next few years, but none of the offshore companies will touch you without 2 years experience and previous offshore experience aswell. Most of the ozzie boys head to asia or the middle east get some experience and then come home to earn the big bucks or a few of the lucky ones are in the right place at the right time.

Just getting started your in the same situation as the hundreds of other divers the dive schools are pumping out every year and if your lucky when you graduate you'll head straight into onshore civils work either locally where you live or somewhere else around the country. The good thing is there is always heaps of civils work to do if you dont mind alot of s***ty work. You can live comfortably on the wage you get if you get into a good company. The offshore industry is FIFO and usually 4 week shifts but thats alittle down your road from now mate.


Its not about being big and strong its about being useful and smart, any knucklehead can lift stuff but it takes someone with brains to work effienciently and cut bottom time, for which the company will make more money and you'll be of more benefit!!! Its also about being able to get a crew to get along with each other and if your easy to work with you'll be on more jobs.

You best bet is to keep looking into it, and if you decide its what you want to do, then do your Part 1 & 2 get some experience in civils and see if its what you want to continue with the extra courses to earn the big bucks, not everyone can be apart from friends and family most of the year.


Hope that helps.



Thanks Jimmi

that was the exact info i was looking for.thanks for sharing the knowledge,

yer im a good worker pick things up prety quick and i dont mind doing s*** for experience .

just a few other questions mate,

what is civils and what sort of work does that involve ??

and would u recomend working in aquaculture like  off shore tuna farms or abalone farms or is that different ball game  


thanks for the information mate and if you can think of any other advise my ears are wide open.



No worries mate, glad to help.


Civils is onshore construction work, it includes anything construction, usually in the dark water working with cranes and excavators.


Aquaculture is a different ball game, usually at the fish farms your paid to keep the nets intact and the killing and removal of any predators that get into the pens for an all you can eat. Abalone and sea cuc**ber divers make alot of money but you bounce dive all day long and its hard work but that's also seasonal, I don't know that much about it but have heard both positive and negative stories.


Scientific diving is usually collecting data and samples of different marine spieces and reporting your findings, companies will require you to have a degree to work with them.

Apart from that there's film work which you make great money, get looked after with 3 hot meals a day and don't do much but you'll have to wait for someone to drop dead to take their place!


Mate if I were you, I would research all the companies in your area in what type of diving you'd like to get into, call them up and find out how much work they have on at the moment and also what the rest of the year looks like and ask if they are gonna be looking for divers around the time you will be finished your part 2, I'd also ask them what their day rate is, atleast you'll have a good idea about what the workforce is like in your area and you can go from there.


Last bit of advice, don't believe all the lies the schools will be trying to sell you, they're all full of s***! and get a backup for the times your making no money and the bills are still coming in, even the most experienced divers and hard up for work.




You just can't buy that kind of advice.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

 I agree simon

that advice is invaluble


Thanks jimmi great advice mate!! helped me out alot,actually pushed me over the edge to go out and give it a go.

i was considering scientific and or reaserch diving as i am mad keen on fishing, and also very intersted in coral reefs and basicaly the ocean eco system and doing my part  in helping it stay around for future generations.Tho leaving school in year 10  getting a job and buying a house sort of makes it too hard to go to uni now,cause uni doenst pay the bills.

i would also be very interested in film work because its normaly based around  reefs and fish species and i gatherd it would be hard to break out in that industry,you also proved what i was thinking u would have to wait till some one drops dead. im happy to get in there do the hard yards and gain some experience cause we all no u got to push s*** up a hill hard before you make it to the top.

i also have a back up work i have been in a trade for 8 years and now lookin for something different cause i know i can always fall back into the building industry if times get tough


so just wanted to say thank you for your time and advice, its just what i needed to help push me over the edge i have been lookin into comm diving for a good 5 months not knowing if i should or should not because i dont mind spending a few grand  and giving it a shot, i didnt want to go all out do all the coarses and find out i didnt like it or having no work and being 20thou short  

so one again thanks for ya support and ill let yas know how i go in the future

happy diving fellas

Good Luck bro, all the best and safe diving



Hi Jimmi

I just signed up and looking for someone to chat to about Work in aus in aquaculture and keen for any feedback you may have as surely a growth industry and do you need to do the part two aquaculture through adas as a prerequisite ?



Dave Sapier

Hi Dave,


Mate the aquaculture industry has many sectors, it all depends on what type of diving your looking at doing and whether or not it's seasonal. There's plenty of work in the north on seasonal harvesting and many fish farms/ab runs down south which require a part 2 cert but some companies will pay for your course if you start as a deckhand with them. Here's a couple of links to check out that will help you with your decision and have plenty of info on what your looking for.








If there's any specific questions you need to know about mate just ask, I'm sure you'll get them answered on here!


cheers Jimmi.

Thanks jimmi

all good with those links very interesting and is tassie the main place for employment and can you confirm if anywhere in qld to start the ball rolling as live on g coast

 I just got my level 1 renewed and found a good doctor registered with spums to get my dive medical done for $66 on coast which is great value and now i just need to knock on the doors and will aim for october course to get the part 2 restricted if a pre requisite. 

I gather I am expecting a bit much to bring in 80 to 100K in this industry as I think it is around $1200 a week as a casual but correct me if i am wrong?

 As it has to pay more than sea world as a permanent diver 

I was there for a year it was good fun diving with the sharks in mesh suits but hard to feed a family on the wages so i was keen to try aquaculture as a big industry for the future do you think? 

I have 275hours logged at sea world and 300 hrs sport diving as a master faui diver which i hope would count in my attempts to get a job back diving!!

if any info on where best place to get first aid and resus done at a good price would be fantastic info as my sea world first aid and resus courses i did have all expired, : (

kind regards




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