Svetozar Nikolov's Comments

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At 10:08am on September 20, 2009, tomuleasa ionel said…
thank you for advise
At 1:28pm on August 17, 2009, Erik Golub said…
In Scotland I'd have to pay 11000 Euros. Part 1 course in Norway is only 4000Euros since the Norwegian government is co financing the course. Apart from that I have to pay the living costs myself. Course lasts 4 months. I also thought that the course would give me exposure to the Norwegian market which, at least I was told so, is expanding. I was also told that many divers are soon going to retire.
At 6:52am on August 17, 2009, Erik Golub said…
Finished my medical and in November off to Norway. Course will last 4 months. Hope till then things will have cleared up a bit. All the best mate. Dive safe.
At 12:23am on August 17, 2009, Erik Golub said…
Hi Svetozar. Haven't heard from you in a while mate. How are things for you? Hope you're working. Dive safe.
At 12:31am on July 19, 2009, abdul azeez said…
everithing going good,now i am enjoing with my family,now i am start searching job,but i cant get any one,how your family?howmany days you will get that job?are you working freelance or permanent?
At 9:01pm on July 18, 2009, abdul azeez said…
Hai ,svetozer,I am fine,I am a Dmt Air Diver,now i am searching job,how you are?where are you working?
At 6:41am on May 9, 2009, Kurt Ward said…
Thanks for your comments! Yes it does happen all over. Sad but true.

Just some places it happens more than others.
At 4:15am on April 2, 2009, Eddie Woodcock said…
yes I finnished the construction course about 2 weeks ago. You must have been on the course infront of me. Are you having any luck finding work? I think the dive companies are waiting for the new tax year to kick off properly, thats what the construction companies do!!
At 6:13am on March 17, 2009, Cem Durgun said…
Same for me, I will be in Scotland end of march for doing my wet welding course..
At 6:02am on March 17, 2009, Cem Durgun said…
cheers mate, How are you? Still looking for a job in the bloody financial crisis!!

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