The Commercial Diver Network
The following is a excerpt from a large government doc**ent on the Lousiana Offshore Oil Industry. Enjoy.
As the processes and techniques associated with underwater construction evolved, a very
specialized labor force was required. Though some jobs, such as pipeline installation and
platform removal, had fairly standard procedures, no two jobs were ever the same. Accidents,
hurricanes, and general wear and tear presented unfamiliar circ**stances for even experienced
divers. Pride and the fear that one diver would outdo another and win over a customer kept
divers attempting new feats:
When [the barge] capsized, they had about a 130 foot derrick standing. It
capsized and the derrick bent out to the middle of the river. They couldn’t do
anything. They couldn’t move it because the derrick had the barge anchored. It
was upside down and you had this derrick bent out towards the middle of the
river. I went down and burnt and cut it loose to where it dropped. That was kind
of scary and I don’t know if I would do that today. The other divers flat out
refused to do it. I said that I would do it (Daspit, personal communication, 2002).
Maryann Galletti, wife of John Galletti and co-owner of J&J Diving, describes how the company
We started working out of a garage with two sets of diving equipment and no
vehicle. We gradually acquired equipment, property, a building. Within a span of
ten years, we had also bought a tractor trailer truck. John informed me he was
going to buy this tractor trailer truck for $12,000 and I liked to have a heart attack.
He had the sights to see the work that was out there and all I could see was more
money, more money. It was like you would pay for one thing before you moved
onto another (Galletti, personal communication, 2002).
The era of the small companies was short lived. The rapid advance to deeper waters required
specialized equipment and knowledge to enable divers to work safely at ever-increasing depths.
Thus, during the 1950’s and early 1960’s the diving companies went through the process of
getting organized (Batteau 2001). A steady increase in offshore activity during the 1960’s drove
up demand for divers and meant that existing companies expanded and new ones formed. “The
explosive growth of offshore oil exploration and development brought round-the-clock overtime
and deep diving premiums. There was a lot of money being made by the younger divers, though
it was often at great risk” (Parker 1997, page 115). Divers were put into the water with little, if
any, training, and the greater depths substantially increased the risks associated with
In addition, divers were under tremendous pressure to perform. The hierarchical nature of the
industry and separation of those with the ultimate authority over decisions from those on the
barges, rigs, platforms, and vessels led to circ**stances within which divers were pushed to dive
even when conditions would dictate otherwise. Both when divers were called out in an
emergency and when they performed routine tasks such as laying pipelines, the work of people at
the surface was halted until the diver was out of the water. Entire crews were held captive on
barges and platforms while divers completed their work. Though the situation gave divers a
certain amount of autonomy, it also resulted in significant peer pressure to get the job done
quickly. Walt Daspit captures the sentiments expressed by most of the early divers:
[The barge captain] can’t say [to a diving company] you have to put this man in
the water. But, the next time they call for divers, he can say that he doesn’t want
whoever out here. So, you have to keep the barge captain happy. The main thing
in keeping the barge captain happy is getting the job accomplished….The barge
was surging. It was going up and down. The water was picking up. They wanted
me to go down and cut the pulling head loose. When I went down, the barge
surged down and I had my hand on the top of the handrail. A huge block, about 7
or 8 feet tall, came down and side-swiped my hand. My hand just went numb. I
unshackled the block and I was going back up to the surface….When I got to the
surface, I pulled the glove off and my finger was just hanging by a string (Daspuit,
personal communication, 2002).
would-be divers were not hard to find. Andre Galerne, a company owner and early member of
the Association for Diving Contractors, commented on the problems associated with low diver
pay and benefits in the Gulf of Mexico:
The price we were paying the divers was in my book much too low, and if a guy
can make the same amount of money by selling hamburgers to Big Mac, than to
be a diver, I think it’s exploiting the fact that the guy likes diving. [If we
advertised this as something other than diving], then the people will not be doing
that for the pleasure, so they will demand money. Diving is a different thing. The
guy is ready to dive at any price, because they want to dive (Galerne, personal
communication, 2001).
Joe Schouest (personal communication, 2002) confirmed this, “I love diving. I’d dive for
nothing. Sometimes I’ve done it. I like the challenge.”
Though divers and welders were easy to find, engineers were not. Several companies struggled
to find people to enter the industry. According to Anthony Gaudiano,
Of course, you have to understand in those days, nobody wanted to be associated
with us. We were kind of wild outlaws and anybody who had any smarts would
look at this little two by four organization and say, ‘I can go to work for General
Motors. Why should I be associated with this little bitty place?’ There were a few
who saw the potential but not very many. We didn't get the experts until quite a
number of years later when the revenue and the reputation were worldwide
(Gaudiano, personal communication, 1996).
Due to the high costs of specialized equipment such as decompression chambers and a pool of
divers who would work under almost any conditions, the organizational culture of diving was at
first slow to change.
Many companies continued to operate at the margins of safety, but injuries, deaths, and
expanding liability caught the attention of the oil companies. In the early 1960’s, Joe and Tom
Sanford came to Louisiana as outsiders and were able to establish a clientele and obtain work
because at that time they were one of the only diving companies working in the oilfield with
insurance. Soon the largest companies were requiring proof of insurance, and by the mid-1970’s
the substantial extension of depth limits proved to be too expensive to be undertaken by
individual companies and required a joint industry financial program (Jones 1977, page 70).
Rapidly rising insurance costs and fear of government intervention and of unionization among
the divers led companies to organize the Association for Diving Contractors to develop industry
standards and address safety concerns.
The move from land to water affected the organization, or lack thereof, of the labor force. Divers
were engaged in underwater survey work beginning in 1929, about the same time that the first
efforts to organize divers began on the east coast (Parker 1997). Near shore, divers worked
alongside unionized construction crews but remained independent until pile drivers unions
successfully claimed submarine divers among their numbers. The unions are credited with
establishing better working conditions for divers on the west and east coasts. However, the move
offshore undermined union activity and influence over the offshore oil industry because oil
companies and drilling contractors operating drilling vessels were not signatory to pile driving
and diving union agreements. “Other than establishing the fledgling oil divers with standards of
safe work rules and pay scales precedent, the union had little influence over the offshore oil
diving industry” (Parker 1997, page 115). Despite significant efforts in the 1970’s, the unions
were never able to organize the labor force working in the Gulf of Mexico.
The push into deeper water drove technological development, and the larger companies
responded by establishing research divisions. J&J Marine Services, one of the few early Texas
companies that also worked out of south Louisiana, was among the few small companies that
invested substantially in research. The company owners hired an independent scientist in the
early 1960’s to help develop decompression tables. At that time, the company employed only a
few divers, but the owners recognized the critical role that science and technology would play in
the diving industry.
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